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Events Calendar - April 4, 2010
Beat Boutique Jam Session: Soundshaper, Seb Fauteux Et Phil Larochelle [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Apr 4, 2010 @ 10:00pm till Mon Apr 5, 2010 @ 3:00am
Description:Version Français (English Version Follows)

Dimanche dernier, Lexis, Sharivari et Phil Larochelle ont laissé leurs sonorités grasses et accrocheuses mettre le feu au planché de danse du Daomé!!

Que dire de plus que le titre d'une toune de Gwen McRae « Keep the fire Burning» !!!!

Avec plusieurs oeufs de Pâques dans leur sac de disque, Shaper, Seb Fauteux et Phil Larochelle seront aux commandes de Beat Boutique le dimanche 4 avril pour terminer le long weekend en beauté !!!

Des sonorités chaudes et ensoleillés au menu musical !!!!

Comme dirait vôtre hôte Franck: beat juggling sweet mother disco funk sensation !!!!!!!

La Beat Boutique Family vous attends dès 22h!!!

Bon Beat's, Bonne semaine!!!

******** Traitement VIP avant 12AM**********
Envoyez vos noms complets à info@fizzfactory.ca avant 19h

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English Version (Version Anglaise)

Last Sunday, Lexis, Sharivari & Phil Larochelle set the Salon Daome dancefloor ablaze with their mesmerizing beats!

In the immortal words of Miss Gwen McRae...Let's "Keep The Fire Burning"!!!

This week we offer up our usual suspects Soundshaper, Seb Fauteux & Phil Larochelle for a special Easter Edition of Beat Boutique. The DJs have been hunting high and low for just the right Egg-straordinary tracks to make you hop higher and move faster than any typical bunny.

As your host Franck would say, "Beat juggling sweet mother disco funk sensation!!!"

The Beaster Basket Family awaits your arrival for this special night 22h! Even Jesus is arising just for the occassion. Why not you as well. :)

Good Beat! Good Life!

The Beat Boutique Family
Room 1:
Soundshaper - www.metronomic-family.com - Consigned Recordings
Added:Thu Apr 1, 2010 @ 1:36pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - April 4, 2010
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