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Events Calendar - October 2, 2004
Back To Your Roots [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Oct 2, 2004 @ 9:00pm
Babylon, Club
Info:Presswon Productions | Cinanni Construction presents..

******** BACK TO YOUR ROOTS **********

----------SOULJAZZ ORCHESTRA (Ottawa) [ www.souljazzorchestra.com ]

Comprised of raw blaring horns, dusty 1970s keyboards, and drop-dead nasty beats, the Souljazz Orchestra is drop-kickin' jazz music into the 21st century, fusing it with rump shakin' elements of soul, funk, afrobeat, latin, dub, hip-hop, house and drum 'n' bass.

----------RAW ELEMENT (Ottawa/Whitehorse)

Composed of Ottawa's DJ Nemo and his bro

----------FREDLOCKS ASHER (Vancouver) [ www.reggaeplanet.ca ]

Chart-topping vocalist Fredlocks Asher ..."Journey to the Centre of the Dub", #1 Top 40, CIUT Toronto, July 2004

-----------TRACK MONGERS/FONETIKS (Ottawa) [ www.fonetikshiphop.com ]

The Fonetiks are determined to bring an alternative genre of hip hop to the table. Influenced by anything that is original, they've developed their talents together since high school, mastering their skills. Along with their crew, Track Mongers, they are set to become one of the new faces of Canadian Hip Hop. With their freshly released debut album, "Sky is Falling"

------------PRESSWON (Ottawa) [ www.presswon.com ]

Presswon is a multi-cultured 12 piece urban flavoured/world music ensemble. They are here to unify the community through the most universal means of communication: MUSIC. LIVE afro-funk-reggae-hip hop will keep you dancin' for the whole night.

MARTIAL ARTS show from Tae Kwon Do black belts

LIVE PAINTING from MeTwo and the Flock


BACK TO YOUR ROOTS is a showcase bringing diverity to to Ottawa's art/dance/musical nightlife, looking to attract all people that has an interest in the local arts movement. This night is here to educate and entertain with many forms of art under one roof with an evening of percussion, martial arts, painting, dance, and urban flow.

The night will warm up with a hand drum circle at 9pm

Sat.Oct. 2. 04
Babylon Nightclub (317 Bank)
doors @9pm | $8

***this is cheaper than a movie, check it***
Added:Sat Oct 2, 2004 @ 9:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 2, 2004
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