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Events Calendar - April 14, 2004
Bacardi Beach Party @ On Tap [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Wed Apr 14, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:Dress in beach wear!

Wednesday April 14th @ On Tap. This will be big! We are expecting about 1400 people and it is sponsored by Bacardi! This will be sold out so come by early. Cover is only $3 at the door!

Dress in your favorite beach wear. This is the biggest Beach party of the year so we expect a lot of people.

A lot of giveaways, including a free trip to wilderness tours!

Contests / events to go on :

Frozen tshirt contest
Dunking booth
Limbo contest
Hoola hoop contest
Free leis and beed
Free bacardi breezer samples

More info on contests, prizes and giveaways to come up soon. So check back often.

See you all in a big number, later!


19+ bring some id
Added:Wed Apr 14, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - April 14, 2004
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