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Events Calendar - November 23, 2009
Auntie Jo Presents: Mondays Are For Make-Outs [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 10:30pm till Tue Nov 24, 2009 @ 3:00am
Description:Ladies, shave your legs, gentlemen, wear your Sunday-on-a- Monday bests: Slow Dance Night is coming back with a bang next Monday, the 23rd of November. The cusp of winter is near and there is no better time to slow down, shack up, make-out, make-up, and have a drink (or ten) to some of the best all time slow dance music around. With hand selected DJ appearances by Matte Sliver, Eric Dougherty, DJ Robb and Meals on Wheels, it will be smooth swaying from here on in. I personally give the Auntie Jo guarantee: Good times will be had by all, memories will be made, and hey, at least we're all old enough to drink until we black-out to completely erase the bad ones.

See ya'll there!!!!!!!!!!
Added:Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 5:01pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - November 23, 2009
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