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Events Calendar - January 7, 2010
Archi-Textures: Jamie Kidd, Gerard Valdez, Leelee Mishi [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Thu Jan 7, 2010 @ 9:30pm till Fri Jan 8, 2010 @ 3:00am
Description:On January 7th LIGHT brings you a full-on experience of inspired tech-house sounds to slide your dancing feet into a brand new decade!

Come out to Archi-Textures -- the place to be on a Thursday night to hear the sounds of:

--JAMIE KIDD (Box Of Kittens)--
sweet sweet techno

bring down the house

sun-shining tech-house

--HANS OHM (Light)--
drum & bliss

***As always there is NO COVER for this event and 3$ drink specials until 11***

9:30-10:30 => Hans Ohm
10:30-12:00 => LeeLee Mishi
12:00-1:30 => Jamie Kidd
1:30-3:00 => Gerard Valdez
Added:Mon Jan 4, 2010 @ 7:23pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - January 7, 2010
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