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Events Calendar - December 31, 2004
Apocalypse 2005 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Dec 31, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:****APOCALYPSE 2005****
Les Productions Ray Junior
December 31st / 31 décembre
Venue to be confirmed / Endroit à être confirmé

[ flyers.montreal-raves.com ]

[ flyers.montreal-raves.com ]

Presale: $35 / Prévente: 35$
November 18th to 21st / Du 18 au 21 novembre
Terminal records (2011 st-Denis, Montreal) &
Admission [ www.admission.com ] 514 790-1245, 1 800 361-4595)

Suivants / Next : $50
Porte / Door : $70

::::LINE UP::::
21h00-22h30 - NERVOUS [Ray Junior prod.]
22h30-00h00 - CREATOR [ ]
00h00-01h30 - G. O'BRIEN [Beatbuzz, Superstition]
04h30-06h00 - WIZZ [Bonzaï records, [ djwizz.com ]
06h00-07h30 - VOIZ - Québec [ ] Element, old school]
07h30-09h00 - SIMON MILLER [Boutique records, Element] Vs. ALEX AXX KOSS - Québec [Systeme afterhour, chyz 94.3]
09h00-10h30 - NIGHT VISION [Chilly Boo Productions]
10h30-12h00 - OMNI [Akarien prod. [ djomni.net ] Vs. ZED AKSIS [Electro shock prod. [ zedaksis.net ]

[ www.globalsound.ca ]
[ www.ravemontreal.com ]
[ www.tranceaddict.com ]
[ www.edmm.ca ]
[ www.ravezone.qc.ca ]
[ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.thethrillseekers.co.uk ]
[ www.chillyboo.com ]
[ www.djomni.net ]
[ www.djvoiz.com ]
[ www.djwizz.com ]

Steve Helstrip has been at the very forefront of the world's trance scene for over 6 years now. From his breakout hit 'Synaesthesia', through to the anthems 'Dreaming of You' and most recently 'NewLife', he has continued to produce a powerhouse of the most emotive music going. He has remixed such luminaries as Tiësto, Timo Maas, Sonique and Chicane, lending them all his trademark melodic and euphoric sound.

Steve has enthralled crowds the world over with both his Thrillseekers Live and DJ sets. The Ministry, Gallery, PaSSion and Godskitchen have all born witness to his fluid mixing, unique style and highly energetic performances. It's these sets that saw him crack the DJ Magazine's Top 100 DJ's chart last year. Aside from DJ'ing Steve runs his own label, Adjusted Music, the first fruit of which is the aforementioned 'NewLife' and now the long awaited re-release of 'Synaesthesia'.
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Steve Helstrip est à l'avant-scène du monde de la Trance depuis maintenant 6 ans. De son succès "Synaesthesia", à travers l'hymne de "Dreaming of you" et ce jusqu'à son plus récent "NewLife", il a continué de produire avec puissance, sa populaire musique à saveur émotive. Il a remixé beaucoup de star comme Tiësto, Timo Maas, Sonique et Chicane, menant leurs compositions à sa marque de commerce, soit un son mélodique et euphorique.

Steve, mieux connu sous le nom de Thrillseekers, a fait le tour des foules conjointement en D.J ainsi qu'en performance Live. The Ministry, Gallery, PaSSion & Godskitchen ont tous été témoins de ses mixes fluides, de son style unique et de l'énergie de ses performances. Ce sont justement ses fameux sets qui lui a gagné une place dans le Top100 du renommé D.J Magazine l'an dernier. En plus d'être D.J, Steve détient son propre label de musique nommé Adjusted Music, qui fut le fruit du lancement de son succès "NewLife" et maintenant, le point culminant, soit le retour en boutique du classique "Synaesthesia".
Added:Fri Dec 31, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - December 31, 2004
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