Events Calendar - August 7, 2004 |
Anishnabe [ Static Link : iCal ] |
City: | Canada, Ontario, Ottawa |
Time: | Sat Aug 7, 2004 @ 12:00pm |
Promoter: | Seventh Harmonic |
Location: | Open Air Festival |
Description: | ANISHNABE FESTIVAL The Thrid Fire August 6-7-8 All Ages It will be a kickass event! A celebration of culture and community! Music, art, and dance! _________________________________________________ ****************************************** MUSIC: MATT BOOM! ~Boom! Records - Amsterdam Matt is a Canadian favourite having brought an incredible energy and musical influence a several years ago, he is back again with a whole new bag of tricks. This Dutch psytrance monster always plays the most out of this world trance with arguably the most precise mixing in the psy-scene. His label releases include top notch artists like Synchro, Logic bomb, Rastaliens, Fractal Glider, Ubar Tmar, and Cosmoon just to name a few. His extended set will be beyond the fold and not for the faint of heart. [ WWW.BOOMRECORDS.COM ] WeirdLife presents a special Live Coordinated Video Mixing Show that will be in co-ordination with the Saturday night main events. Area Djs: Clone (Live) ~Tundra Records - Ottawa Yann ~Tech Safari - Montreal Mark PsyKick ~7th Harmonic - Ottawa Psycronik ~Freak Addiction Krew - Ottawa Freedom Engine ~Entropic - Ottawa Rikam ~Tech Safari - Montreal Data Decay ~FAK - Ottawa Clown ~Alien Crew - Montreal Quantizer ~Entropic - Ottawa Daione Sidhe ~Rythmic Curriculum - Ottawa Seb ~Mandala - Montreal Zen ~Kagdila Reords - Ottawa Crazy Black Light Deco (Deco By - FAK + Tundra Records + 7th Harmonic + Tree n Leaf) Visual Projections - Weird Life + 7th Harmonic Sound Design - Harmonium Sound Structures (If you remmember last year's sound it was awesome! We made a few upgrades and it promises to be even better!) ****************************************** Chill DJs: Koda ~7th Harmonic - Ottawa Alison Wonderland ~7th Harmonic - Ottawa Aia ~ Listenable Music -Ottawa Omshanti ~Troisieme oreille - Montreal Lunaris ~SSUN - Ottawa ****************************************** |
Music: | Room 1: Clown (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) (Psy Trance)
- - JESTER Records and ProductionsDJ Zen (Canada, Quebec, Inverness) - - Altar Records Matt Boom (Canada, Manitoba, Holland) Omshanti (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) Rikam (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) Seb (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - Mandala Sound and Vision Yann (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - - Tech Safari, Ultra Groove Rec. Aia Alison Wonderland Clone Clone - - Tundra Records, FAK, Materia Rec Daione Sidhe Data Decay - - Freak Addiction Krew \ Tundra Re Freedom Engine Koda - - 7th Harmonic Mark Psykick Psycronik - Freak Addiction Krew\Tundra Recs Quantizer |
Info: | Contact - 613-860-GAIA [ ] Proceeds from this event will go to Odawa Friendship Centre Youth Program and S.H.A.A. Free Camping, Parking and on site swimming. It will be a kickass event! |
Extras: | All tickets $10 - $20 at the door! (provided any are left) Ticket Locations: Norml Clothing (Ott) Psychonaut (Mtl) Shanti Ba ba (Toronto) Bus leaves Ottawa (leob local) 19:00 Friday Bus leaves Montreal at 17:00 Friday Both depart Sunday at 13:00 Ottawa bus package $35 dollars in Advance (tickets included) - space limited - Montreal bus package $45 in advance (tickets included) - space limited - |
Added: | Wed Jul 21, 2004 @ 12:00am by » SeventhHarmonic |
Modified: | Sun Feb 13, 2005 @ 12:00am |
Views: | 5421 |
Events Calendar - August 7, 2004 | [ Top Of Page ] |
10 People Attending [ Hide User Images ] |
Member Comments |
» Psy_co said @ Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 2:29am too bad orion did not come |