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Events Calendar - May 28, 2005
AnimeNorth (anime convention) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat May 28, 2005 @ 12:00am
Location:Toronto Congress Center, 650 Dixon Road, and at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Rd. (directly across the street)
Description:Anime North: Canada's premier fan run Anime convention!

- Anime North Masquerade: an amateur costume competition for Anime/Manga costumes, Media costumes, (Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, computer games etc.); Fantasy and Science Fiction costumes, Japanese Historical Costumes and any other costumes related to one or more of these categories.

* Guest Speeches * Jpop Dance Party * Otaku Dating Game
* Cel Painting Workshop * Live Music * J Idol * King of Games Tournament
* 2 Masquerades * All Star Charity Auction * Art Workshops * Go Tournament
* Discussion Panels * Anime Music Video Contest * Para Para Flash
* Martial Arts Displays * Model Contest * Autographs * Anime Hell
* Momiji Award Brunch * Trigun Doughnuts * Anime Name That Tune
* Jrock Videos * Gaming Demos * Beat The Otaku * Meet & Greet with the Guests
* Anime Improv * Voice Acting Workshops * Comedy Cabaret * Art Auction
* Model Contest * Video Gaming * All Night Anime * Yaoi North *
Info:Anime North 2005 will be held on the weekend of May 27-29 (Memorial Day weekend) at the Toronto Congress Center, 650 Dixon Road, and at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Rd. (directly across the street). Daily parking
is free at the Toronto Congress Center.

Guest rooms at convention rates will be available at the Doubletree and at the nearby Park Plaza hotel. A shuttle bus will be running from the Park Plaza to the TCC at half-hour intervals during peak convention times.

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Extras:Day Price Reg Desk Hours
Friday $25.00 CDN, $20 US 1 PM to 9 PM
Saturday $30.00 CDN, $25 US 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday $25.00 CDN, $20 US 10 AM to 3 PM

Children between 6 and 13 years of age are admitted for half-price of the corresponding adult admission, but must be accompanied by an adult 18 or over.

Children 6 and under are admitted free, but must be accompanied by an adult 18 or over.
Added:Thu May 19, 2005 @ 12:00am by » maki
Events Calendar - May 28, 2005
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