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Events Calendar - June 3, 2006
Fantastisch v. 1.4 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 3, 2006 @ 9:00pm
Description:Come to celebrate with us the last edition of Fatastisch for this season.
Room 1:
22:00 Shankar (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
22:00 waltix (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
24:30 SPL Project
02:00 Signal to Noise (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Info:Doors open at 21:00
Alcohol 2 for 1 until 23:00

[ www.ganesha.ca ]
Extras:$ 5 at the door
Added:Wed May 17, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Infected_FreAk
Modified:Thu May 18, 2006 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - June 3, 2006
7 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Infected_FreAk said @ Sat Jun 3, 2006 @ 2:51pm
It's tonight...Toronto crew is here and have prepared some killer sets...see ya on the dancefloor
» Pixie-Dust said @ Tue May 23, 2006 @ 9:54am
sooo cool, time we had Shankar here showing everyone how its done! hehe killer music FINALLY!!!!I also heard signal to noise once they are really really quite the show.