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Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
Teamwork II [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton
Time:Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 10:00am
Promoter:Gravy Train Productions
Location:TBA 48 hours before hand
Description:Ladies and Gentlemen....

On July 2nd, 2005 people came together in union to enjoy an event that was all tagteam sets. It was loved by all as SoundSyster and Zoo tore the place up, followed by Jerm and Phenatik.

Once again, GravyTrain Productions would like to bring back the double-your-pleasure experience

On July 15th, 2006 join us for Teamwork II
What time? 10pm-8am
How much? $20 @ the door, first 50 people get a free
bottle of water
Where? BRAND NEW VENUE TBA 48hrs prior to event (close to fredericton)

Headlining: ___ _______ vs _________ ____ both from Toronto. Any guesses?

along with 4 other tag sets.

Opening the party will be...

Byrd vs Flair Martin
Sickadelic vs The Ghi5t
(breaks/fton/gtp/gravitypromo) vs (breaks/fton/gtp)
Mulligan vs The Magic Friend

more info coming soon......

Added:Wed May 10, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Tranci
Modified:Wed May 24, 2006 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Tranci
Member Comments
» Smashley said @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 @ 12:34am
Well this party is now in August.
» Tranci said @ Thu May 11, 2006 @ 9:07pm
Sweet, I totally just figured out I could make this par-tay. :D