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Events Calendar - June 4, 2006
Nocturne 5 w/ Mike Shannon, avec/feat. Anaïs & Tim Bones, Jan Jelinek, Pole & Ba [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Jun 4, 2006 @ 9:00am
Location:Darling Foundry
Description:To bring the Festival’s trajectory to an end, a beautiful landing at the hands of Berlin label SCAPE, thanks to a program which illustrates some of the affinities and bonds developed between Berlin and Montreal—in particular during previous editions of MUTEK.

As well as his work as grand conductor for SCAPE and as an artist, Stefan Betke (Pole), has always been animated by a will for renewal, anxious to explore new tracks, and in a more general way, to contribute to the evolution and the aesthetic advancement of an electronic scene which owns him much of its credit. Here, thus, is a series of presentations, which make it possible to witness just how the genre’s exciting course is indeed maintained.

With a worldwide advanced production, the first ‘live’ transposition album that Mike Shannon has just released on the SCAPE label. Also being served: a show by Pole himself, accompanied by musicians for a new project which represented one of the highlights of MUTEK.MX’s festival in Mexico, March 2006. Without forgetting the highly anticipated performances by Jan Jelinek and Deadbeat—unquestionably two artists who embody the highly respected standards guiding the label—we can expect two consummate performers who know how astonish
Info:[ www.mutek.ca ]

Added:Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Mister_Tee
Events Calendar - June 4, 2006
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Gael
» kh4n
» Marcb
» Noerg
Member Comments
» kh4n said @ Mon Jun 5, 2006 @ 4:20pm
Jan Jelinek stole the show... I was quite impressed.