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Events Calendar - February 11, 2006
Moondata Love! project [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 11, 2006 @ 9:30pm
Description:It's close to that time of year again. Last year's broken hearted, border line cynical LOVE?project is replaced this year by the borderline cheese of LOVE!project. This year’s Valentine Edition of LABprojects puts some of Montreal’s most musical couples together for the first time. It won’t necessarily be a musicians 'swinger’s club' on stage, but this collaboration promises some high energy dynamics, some doey-eyed interaction (Duets! Threesomes! & more!) and a highly unique instrumentation that includes a classical harpist, a jazz guitarist and a members of some of Montreal’s best indie-rock bands! God-damn it, even the VJs and DJs are locked into coupledom. Special guests & more!

LABproject 0206 (session 26)

[b]Saturday February 11[/b]
O Patro Vys
356 Mont-Royal Est.

[b]Olga Goreas[/b] (Besnard Lakes) bass, keys
[b]Jace Lasek[/b] (Besnard Lakes) guitar, keys

[b]Elizabeth Powell[/b] (Land of Talk) vocals
[b]Robbie Kuster[/b] (Patrick Watson Band) drums

[b]Ryhna Thompson[/b] (Moondata) trumpet, keys
[b]Vid Cousins[/b] (Moondata) guitar, bass, fx

[b]Sarah Pagé[/b] (Hhaka) harp
[b]Simon Angell[/b] (Patrick Watson Band, Hhaka) guitar

[b]Jocool & Ladyroll[/b]

[b]DJ Amyl Nitrate and DJ Heinrich[/b][/size]

Happy Effin' Valentime's.
Added:Mon Feb 6, 2006 @ 12:00am by » moondata
Modified:Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - February 11, 2006
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