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Events Calendar - April 29, 2005
7en presents the 2nd edition of Frequency [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Apr 29, 2005 @ 12:00am
Description:RETURN OF THE KING !

For those of you who were at Space 2 years ago when DJ Dan headlined Carnivale, you remember how it went down: One of the most insane sets the city has ever heard. We're extremely excited to bring back one of the best djs, and nicest guys we have ever met. Friday April 29th, once again, it's time to get your Freq on.

In addition, it's Graham J's birthday ! Come celebrate with us as we make sure the creator has a night to remember.


DJ Dan - [ www.djdan.com-LA ]

Akash Sinha (7en, Rhythmworks)
Balu (7en, Pozativ, Surface)
Mister Parker (7en, Rhythmworks)

this event will go till 6am, and is 19+
tickets will go on sale shortly at:

Norml, 41.5 William st, 562-2043
Record Runner, 212 Rideau, 241-3987
Organized Sound, 591-A Bank, 233-4900

limited early bird tickets are 20$, and only at norml
other advance tickets are 25$, more at the door

we'll be printing out free cds, and posting some mixes, so stay tuned for more info as it comes...
Added:Mon Apr 11, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Psy_co
Events Calendar - April 29, 2005
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