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Events Calendar - November 11, 2005
28th day Productions presents Random & Dj's Horizon Vs Drizzt! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:USA, New York, New York
Time:Fri Nov 11, 2005 @ 12:00am
Location:28th day Productions
Description:November 12th, at a new location, 28th day productions presents Best of the West: Third time's a charm!

Making crazy, full-on sounds for ya:

Random (vaporvent, SF)

Random is the at the front of the pack of PSYTRANCE artists coming from the highly anticipated hot bed in the usa- SAN FRANCISCO. He has toured the US extensively testing his music on dancefloors and festivals, clubs and outdoors, night time and day. With releases on Vaporvent, Geomagnetic, Spun, Acidance, Timecode, Shiva Space Tech, Resonant Earth, and Monad Nomad Media, his flavor is ripe for the harvest and the music is perfectly seasoned for maximizing your pleasure centers! Not only has this genius of the psychedelic wizardry been zapping packed dance floors silly but he has been doing it for many years both as one of the Bay Areas first GOA/PSY djs (Flawless mixing is his trademark) but also as one of the pioneering projects Producing and releasing music as early as 2001. Coming off a strong morning set at the T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi crew’s Powwow, Random is ready to rock our city with his first New York set ever!.

and a special tag-team set from out neighbors to the north:

Dj Drizzt (Alien Crew / Event Horizon – Montreal / Canada)

Ian Davidson from Montreal, Canada is the man behind Dj Drizzt. Ian has been spinning for Alien Crew, one of Montreal’s most professional promotion crew and also a proud member of London based promoters, Event Horizon. He has played alongside such artists as Broken Toy and L’Elf. His style is the crème de la crème of the Montreal underground scene and is described as a tasteful blend of night time and morning full-on. He will bring you through a twilight experience that you won’t forget anytime soon.


Dj Horizon (Event Horizon / Pukka Music & Twent4seven Records – UK / Germany)

Gregory Hall is a US citizen however resided all his life in France, Germany, UK and now Canada. He was introduced to the underground psychedelic trance scene at an early age when moving to London, UK. Greg is the founder of the successful London psy parties “Event Horizon,” presenting & playing with many top quality international artists. Now based in Montreal, Canada Greg is continuously pushing his boundaries to present new ideas and concepts either musically or in event organization. With his extensive background and performances at international events you can expect a unique full-throttle mixing style portraying maximum energy on the dance floor. Having already shared his morning selections at the pine barrens, Greg is now prepared to immerse the NYC scene in a nighttime set like no other.Get ready for some exclusive unreleased tunes!!!


Mastermind behind the legendary Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative (PSI) and a DJ of unmatched skill, Pat has rocked crowds up and down the East Coast with both full-on and progressive psychedelic sounds. Coming of age in Philly and currently based in Brooklyn, Pat is a true trance veteran with an ear for tunes that clean one's head and compel the body to dance. Treating us to his progressive set this time, Pat’s sound is smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground!


DAVE HENSHAW (Changmian/Sonic Beating) Boston

Starting with his tumultuous beginnings in scenic downtown New London, CT; Dave Henshaw's involvement in trance culture has twisted and spun for most of the last decade. From drunken campus frat parties to a DJ residency at Boston's reknown psy-trance weekly "Anitya;" today Dave is most known for his trance-journalism, progressive DJ sets, and his organizational work with Boston's on-going monthly, Psyforia. Tonight, get ready for a dance-friendly opening set for the ears and an accompanying visual display for the eyes.

And closing out the night:

Coral (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi)

Coral first started DJ’ing in 1999, in Eugene Oregon. Once she heard psy-trance she became completely immersed, inspired with the sounds and could never imagine spinning anything else. Her love for psy-trance has pushed her forward - enticing crowds to experience an emotionally charged psychedelic journey on the dance floor. Coral moved to the east coast and was drawn into the Touch Samadhi fold where she met many talented Dj’s and producers that were just as obsessed as she is. Coral recently relocated to New York City and continued her amazing journey playing along side numerous psytrancers to include: Astral Projection, Hux Flux, Talamasca, Spirallianz, and Midimiliz. Grasping any opportunity she gets- she releases her passion and energy for psytrance on the dance floor and moves the crowd to nonstop dancing.

deco by The Psychedelic Friends Network (Boston, MA) and
Tao Consortium
Visuals by David Tennet, of Pine Barrens fame

$12 at the door
Located @ the Apocalypse Lounge
189 east 3rd st. btw A and B
Subway: F/V to 2nd ave. L to 1st ave
Room 1:
Drizzt (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - www.twenty4seven.cc - 24/7 Media - Event Horizon
Horizon (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - www.twenty4seven.cc - 24/7 Records
Added:Wed Oct 5, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Horizon
Modified:Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - November 11, 2005
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