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Events Calendar - September 21, 2005
Killa Jewel, DirtyDan, Rue, Cyan, Jasmine [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Wed Sep 21, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Description:Wednesday September 21at at Salon Daome, 141 Mont-ROyal est

the next W.O.W event should be a big one....we got champion tunrtablists......

Killa Jewel fools!
If you don;t know, find out- [ www.i-jonez.com ]

(her site is actually [ www.killajewel.com ] but i find that article more informative.

and....................DJ RUE iS BAAAAAA-AACK!!!! [ www.djruelovesyou.com ]
also been known to get tricky with the 1's and 2's herself, she will be playing WHATEVER she wants....possibly some ghetto tech/ electro action....and some DNB i thnk.....ask her!

also on the bill is Dirty Dan who will be playing ghetto tech and booty !!!

and the hostesses with the mostestes..............

cyan will be playing electro, techno, tech-house
jasmine will be playing ragga, breaks, booty bass and hip-house..etc..

Room 1:
23:00 Jas Nasty (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) (Breakbeat) - www.myspace.com - Women On Wax
24:00 Killa Jewel (Hip Hop)
01:00 Rue (Ghettotech)
01:30 Cyan (Techno)
02:00 Dirty Dan (Ghettotech)
Extras:$3 at the door
Added:Fri Sep 9, 2005 @ 12:00am by » jas_nasty
Modified:Sun Sep 18, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - September 21, 2005
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Contributing Members: » jas_nasty (6)
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