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Events Calendar - June 18, 2005
Vinyl Fantasy 5 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
Time:Sat Jun 18, 2005 @ 9:00pm
Promoter:Soundwave Entertainment
Location:Secret until the day of
Description:Saturday June 18th, 2005,
Soundwave Entertainment presents...


June 18th is also the birthday of Stephen Hua, the man behind Soundwave Entertainment, so a few of the cities best production crews will be working alongside Soundwave Entertainment to put on a birthday party that every kid has dreamed of but they could never have. Firebreathers, jugglers, magicians and clowns will entertain you throughout the night in a brand new 3 room venue. Expect an all out visual display in typical Soundwave fashion.
Room 1:
AlphaGroove - www.alphagroove.info.tm - RaversNET, ImportCentral
Khemlab - www.djkhemlab.com - www.djkhemlab.com, 4PlayTrax, ww
Info:If you have never been to a Soundwave party....you have never been to a party PERIOD.
First 50 $15
Advance $20
More at door if available
*Each ticket will have 10% added on top for entertainment tax

Ticket Outlets
Nyce Records : 99 Osborne St - 204.478.0548
Urban Bakery : 398 Portage Ave - 204.947.2664

9:00pm - 6:00am
Added:Fri Jun 10, 2005 @ 12:00am by » d0c_trang3
Events Calendar - June 18, 2005
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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