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Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
Mutek: Ricardo Villalobos, Matthew Johnson, Monolake [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 4, 2005 @ 12:00am
Description:This year, for the ongoing event night that MUTEK stages at Metropolis, artists known for delivering vibrant performances will be in control. Traditionally a prized evening for festivalgoers, this occasion will allow the audience to discover Gallopierende Zuversicht. Renowned for their rare yet highly memorable live performances, this Swiss group will be making their North American debut along with duo Sense Club made up of two performers we almost never get a chance to see: Ricardo Villalobos (Chile/Germany) and colleague Luciano (Switzerland). Mathew Jonson (Canada) will also be joining the program as he arrives in Montreal preceded by a solid reputation—and one that continues to grow as his stock steadily rises on the world electronic scene. Those privileged enough to be in attendance at Metropolis that evening will also be able to witness Monolake; the genius of the German electronic scene will be presenting his latest project oriented around rhythmic construction with a new personal twist …visuals! The night’s visual repertoire will be selected by duo Tiny Little Elements - who will also be performing in an earlier audiovisual program at Ex-Centris - as they accompany the aforementioned artists with one of their rare appearances as VJs. A night that promises to be daring and memorable… intensity and thrills guaranteed!
Room 1:
Ricardo Villalobos
Added:Fri Jun 3, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
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