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Events Calendar - May 12, 2005
Ryoki Ikeda, Istvan Kantor, Jean Piche, Khrystell Burlin, Julie Andreyev, Jordan [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu May 12, 2005 @ 12:00am
Audio/Video Performance

This new piece is both a concert and a film that uses data as its material and theme, highlighting the ways in which data shapes our understanding of the world. Video images of landscapes are progressively abstracted into a language of data. Facts, figures and diagrams are used in a montage with dazzling graphic impact. The text excerpts elegantly punctuate the onscreen projections. Blurring the lines between nature, science and philosopy, the work subtly and hypnotically suggests the convergence of the real and the virtual. The soundtrack synchronises perfectly with the graphical and video images to create a piece of undeniable power and beauty. [ www.forma.org.uk ]

Experimental Feature Video

The subject of Istvan Kantor's first feature-length video work is today's conquest for living territory, the struggle for lifespace as a necessity for survival. Mixing autobiographical reality with fiction, Kantor takes us to Capital city. a hyper-Orwellian organization ruled by the control-freak apparatus of the Rentagon. The "robotarian" population is under constant surveillance by the RST (Robotic Surveillance Transmission). Kantor appears in the role of an outcast "yogaborg" and camera addict. He is associated with TRS (Transmission Research Society), a group of collaborators exploring sex, science and technology, and constantly transmitting webcast messages in support of Kantor's hopeless insurrection. Hypnotized by a heat blower, Kantor tells his story through tuning into the technosphere and capturing fragments of images. [ www.istvankantor.com ]

Sieves II
Audio/video pergormance

This sequel to sieves I, presented in Montreal in March 2005, is a new videomusic piece recapturing troubled ambiences and a quasi-Dantesque vision. This time, the themes of eschatology and redemption are tackled in urban settings as a counterwight to the aqua-earthy siftings of Sieves I. In this peice shot and edited in HDV, the author pursues his quest of musical time making image. With each new work, a new form cinema is gradually breathed into life. [ www.jeanpiche.com ]

Audio / video performance

Inspired by the mythos of Theseus, this film presents four individuals who keep crossing paths without ever really noticing each other, all of them ensconced in their own bubble. Here, the halls morph into tentacular streets, and the labyrinth morphs into a mental prison. When one's freedom becomes a prison and the might of the Ego hides begind the imaginary presence of the Minotaurm all that's left is nothingness. Solitary in groups, such is the last stage of occidental civilization. [ www.khruystellburlin.com ]

Espace V
Audio / Video Performance

Zack Settel received a BFA in Musisc Composition from the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), where he studied composition. Keenly interested in the use of technology in music production/performance, Settel moved to Paris in 1986, with a Fullbright Scholarship for computer music research and composition at the Institute for computer music research and coordination of acoustics and music (IRCAM). After a two-year composing residency there, Settel remained at IRCAM until 1995, working full-time in the music production and music research groups. In 1997 Settel returned to North America where he was a professor at McGill University in Canada for two years, chairing the Music Technology area, and teaching courses and graduate seminars in computer music. He also was a visiting progessor of composition at the University of Montreal in 2001-02. He now composes full-time. [ www.zeep.com ]

This Is A Portrait
Audio / Video Performance

This Is A Portrait is the second part of a trilogy created in partnership with artist Delphne Measroch based on the theme of virtually imperceptible movement. This videomusic piece draws inspiration in photography. The first part features a game on evolution and the growth of non-moving objects by means of photographs as core material. The firxed-position camera used during the second part of hte performance proposed moving images inside a frame, irself motionless. [ www.ekumen.com ]
Added:Fri May 6, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - May 12, 2005
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