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Events Calendar - April 17, 2005
Sundaze After-Party [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Apr 17, 2005 @ 12:00am
Description:Sunday, April 17 Sundaze and Acqua Nightclub are proud to present:

DJ KRISTAN M. [ www.kristanm.com ]

Come out and join us after Dave Ralph @ Surface and hear a DJ who has really been making some noise in the Ottawa scene lately.

Kristan M. is a hard working DJ who is passionate about his music. He has put endless amounts of time and effort over the last several years into what he does, and it truly shows. His most recent CD called "Skylight" is a great slamming CD full of awesome house beats. We at Sundaze feel that anyone who puts as much into their passion as Kristan does deserves every opportunity to be heard by the Ottawa masses.

Playing alongside Kristan are Sundaze Super-Residents:

Easton Ellis
Abe Van Dam

... & a surprise addition to the line-up: Bobby Timken

6am-3pm | 19+ w/ ID | $5 b4 7:30/$8 after | Acqua Nightclub - 160 Rideau Street | ROAR
Added:Mon Apr 11, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Psy_co
Events Calendar - April 17, 2005
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» dudette
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