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Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
Projet Gemini [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 4, 2005 @ 10:00am
Promoter:Le caméléon daltonien & Cycle Production
Description:Come celebrate with us the magic of electronic music into the night sky of June! Each stage performer will transport you with their own and unique style to limits known only to yourself! Be prepared to fly into the vast space of brain unconsciousness... Come and listen while you can to what's Montreal electronic music scene has best to offer to these days!
Info:Djs : Cycle, Ulrich Van Bell, Mad, Nick Rowland, G'Obrien, Yann, + autres à venir

Master of Ceremonie by MiniTank Production

No glass bottles, event to occur good / bad weather ( Tent )

(Near St-Hyacinthe)
Extras:20$, ( 300 persons, private party ) Tickets only available by email!
Added:Mon Apr 4, 2005 @ 12:00am by » cycle
Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
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