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Events Calendar - July 23, 2005
5th Annual XVI BBQ [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 12:00pm
Info:[b]GUNZ & BOMZ - XVI community FREE event[/b]

Today, July 23rd, 2005 --- 12:00 noon - 9:00pm(ish)

[u]VENUE:[/u] Ottawa, Ontario - private property, massive backyard near Mooney's Bay. The location has been disclosed via private messaging.

[u]INFO:[/u] BYO-E - Bring Your Own [u]Everything.[/u] Plenty of space to hang out and party. Pets and children welcome. Bring a chair, towels for swimming, etc. This is not a "day-rave", but rather an outdoor community gathering with good electronic music, food and friends, in a conveniently-located part of town.

Lots of free parking available. Washrooms inside the house. Food: the BBQ will be cooking all day long! Hotdogs: $1, burgers: $2. Beverages will also be available. Feel free to bring your own food to throw on the grill! Since this large yard backs right on to the water, swimming is very much encouraged! Finally, a variety of excellent electronic music provided by some of XVI's finest.


[b]DAN MEDLAND[/b] (Toronto)
[ www.onaversal.com ] / [ www.teknoturtle.ca ]

[ www.xvi.com ] vs. [ www.xvi.com ] vs [ www.xvi.com ]

[b]FIL-E BLUNT[/b]
gunz & bomz / [ www.teknoturtle.ca ]

sundaze / norml clothing

[b]MR. X[/b]
[ www.fiberlineaudio.com ] / [ www.friskyradio.com ]

simpletings / soulution

mtl & co. / [ www.onaversal.com ]

beatmarket / studio archetype

[b]ROMAN K[/b]
[ www.djromank.com ] / surface

[ www.teknoturtle.ca ] / sundaze

[b]JOE ROWE vs. HEERO[/b]
kilogram / zero trance vs. [ www.beatmaka.com ] / zero trance

[ www.ottawarevival.com ] / the short list

Remember: this is a FREE day time event at someone's home. Please respect the property as if it were your own.

[u]NO:[/u] drugs / glass bottles / angry people

[b]P.L.U.R. & R.O.A.R.[/b]

(donations are never expected but always appreciated - there will be a donation jar near the DJ booth; please donate responsibly.)


P.S. keep the freakin' waterguns away from the DJ booth!
Added:Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 12:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 23, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (68)
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