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Events Calendar - February 7, 2005
Icy Mondays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Mon Feb 7, 2005 @ 7:00pm
Blue Dog, 3958 Boulevard St-Laurent
Description:Alright kids it is finally time to get your Monday groove on as the winters best night of blended madness takes shape.

Starting Monday Feb 7th, Blue Dog is proud to host Icy Mondays, an evening of non-aggressive beats for the work weary soldiers. Come get your breaks, jungle, dubstep, reggae and hip-hop fix early in the week, and party like it's already Thursday!
Room 1:
Db Vaig - www.ezbake.ca - EZBAKE
Kiffah - EZ Bake, Random, Dregs
Added:Mon Feb 7, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Lone_Star
Events Calendar - February 7, 2005
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Member Comments
» Czarkastik said @ Sat Feb 12, 2005 @ 7:54pm
nice use of Dog Pooping Logo!! reshhhpect!
» Nuclear said @ Tue Feb 8, 2005 @ 1:29am
I would have stopped by but working all night and tiered ;( It looked promicing when I walked by!