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Events Calendar - February 26, 2005
freak release festival 2005 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Time:Sat Feb 26, 2005 @ 9:00pm
Location:Open Studios

Artists don’t need forums. They don’t need collectives, or co-operatives, or to be taunted by grants. Artists are building ships to take them to other planets. To places untouched. What they need, is rocket fuel.

Meet Freak Release. A concept. For artists of any discipline. To exploit, and in turn be exploited by. A dream that fuels itself to move forward, and now doesn’t know how to slow down any more. So when Rahburt Price, its Berlin-based co-founder, said “We’re a bunch of creative people who want to be seen and heard. I guess.” he was being self-effacing. To the n.th degree. To do it any justice, he should have said “Hey, buddy, wanna score for some rocket fuel?”

So what does four days worth of Freak Release really add up to? (Try counting this on your fingers.) Manga, Trance, Video, Photo, Solo, Graffiti, plus, plus, plus. With countries of origin represented including Canada, Germany, Sweden, United States, and Yugoslavia. But more importantly, of course, are the places all of this is going. Well – you’re the hitch hiker – pick a planet
Added:Thu Feb 3, 2005 @ 12:00am by » rahburt
Events Calendar - February 26, 2005
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