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Events Calendar - April 18, 2005
Strapping Young Lad, The Agony Scene, Reflux, Misery Signals [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Mon Apr 18, 2005 @ 7:00pm
Promoter:Montreal - Brave Concerts
Location:Café Campus
Added:Thu Jan 6, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Circ
Modified:Thu Mar 31, 2005 @ 1:00am
Events Calendar - April 18, 2005
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Czarkastik said @ Fri Apr 8, 2005 @ 3:26pm
ya, SYL are pretty savage.. not sure if i'm gonna make it to this one. on second thought, i have to. new album is mad trippy, these guys must be a hellamindfuck live.