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Events Calendar - January 7, 2005
Breakbeats [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jan 7, 2005 @ 10:00am
Promoter:Studiorange, Metrolium, UK514
Missy Bar
Description:We've played through 40 below and 40 centimetres of snow...

A fine night of Breakbeats, Turntablism, and Experimental Shit @ Missy Bar this Friday!

Come out for some wholesome winter fun. The beer is cheap!

We will be inviting Daryl, roaming bassist for the Kingins to come and lay some phat basslines over our breaks and scratching nonsense!
Room 1:
Bliss - www.djbliss.net
Murdock - www.breakbeat.ca - metrolium, electro-destructo, ib
Pinky tha Commanda
Somsay - www.metrolium.net - Metrolium.net, Breakbeat.ca
Added:Thu Jan 6, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Kai
Events Calendar - January 7, 2005
8 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Because
» eLDee
» Kai
» Lunna
» soyfunk
Contributing Members: » Lunna (49)
Member Comments
» Toltech said @ Fri Jan 7, 2005 @ 10:08pm
yeah hi...an adress would be helpful....cover?...what?
» eLDee said @ Fri Jan 7, 2005 @ 1:22am
KingPins yo!