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Events Calendar - October 21, 1995
Motor [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Oct 21, 1995 @ 12:00am
Description:I now that Karls partys have always been object of controverse even that this party some people said that Juan Atkins didnt come but I can assure I smoked with him all night : )
Thats why I post This one because it was a treat no matter all the polotics around it for me to play with Juan Atkins
and the replacement for Mad Mike was none the less than
D-win (I hope I wrote it right)one of my altime favorites,
Ive Hardly ever seen a dj so into his set Jumping up and down like a Kangaqroo, U ROCK BIGTIME.
Even the sound guy came and was fidling with his knobs he stopped the record and told the sound man
*Do You wanna play?Are you the dj now?*
Go Dwin ; )
After to return to his Bomb set..
Detroit Techno is the best..
If there wouldnt have been so much controverse around the party even Mad Mike Himself would have come..
But Juan said *he gave me my advance why shouldnt i go play*
Way to Juan thanks for comming I will never forget you great
Detroit style mix with Basic Channel that night : )
This Party to me is just a statement that Politics should be left to politicians !!!!
Peace Out
Room 1:
D-win (USA, Alabama, Detroit)
Garth (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
Juan Atkins (USA, Alabama, Detroit)
Terrance Parker (USA, Alabama, Detroit)
Saturnin - www.lestubbies.com - Circus | Stereobar
Twin Peetz - www.odrexmusic.com - Odrex Music
Added:Sun Nov 28, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Twin_Peetz
Events Calendar - October 21, 1995
6 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» jasonskilz said @ Fri Mar 14, 2008 @ 4:28pm
wicked party! still remember this night.. got to hear 3 legends from Detoit! including Terence Parker with his telephone headphone! sick party
» kimochi said @ Fri Sep 8, 2006 @ 11:41am
c'était dans un bingo a coté de chez nous! un de mes meilleur party :)
» Kr4zyK4t said @ Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 9:12am
criss de party!!