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Events Calendar - April 15, 1994
The Source [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Apr 15, 1994 @ 11:00pm
Trance 5000
Description:It was a crazy party i will never forget
Upstairs the church was full and then the police came. : (
I was playing downstairs and the police asked me to stop
and I asked them not to bother me i needed to concentrate on my mixing..Then all the people came from upstairs down and Mateo Murphy (one of his first gigs) wasnt even on the flyer and we both continued rocking the house untill It REALLY was over... Crazy party I can Never forget like i said... Thanx Neerav : ) Miss you since you moved back to Canada from Berlin..
Twin Peetz
Added:Sun Nov 28, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Twin_Peetz
Events Calendar - April 15, 1994
3 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» psycho303 said @ Sat May 4, 2024 @ 11:24pm
Oh yeah that was the Trance5000 fundraiser event :) It was at the church space on Sherbrooke and DeLorimier (It's a dance studio last i've heard) That party started a bunch of outdoor impromptu events we converged to because when we all left the venue as a group we all decided to just continue to party on at the Mont-Royal chalet terasse and just finish our snowball trip lol :)