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Events Calendar - June 9, 2017
Get Mash Up - Vinyl Only Dj Nght [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:00pm till Sat Jun 10, 2017 @ 3:00am
Description:***Get Mash Up***
A Vinyl only DJ Night

A handful of the best DJ's in Montreal, will be bringing out their favorite vinyl plates, and will be mashing it up together on 2 technic 1200's to bring a night of memories and vibes!!
Old school anthems all the way to never heard dub plates on actual acetate.
The tunes you will hear at this event, you probably won't hear again, or haven't heard, for a very longtime.
No set times, no stress, no worries.
Pure fun and doing it for the love of that warm vinyl sound.


Hip hop
Kentsuji - Hip Hop

140 +
Fil Spectre - 140 bpm / funk

Dub Spectre - Dubstep

170 +
Construct - Jungle

Corey K - Drum n Bass

Souldier - Drum n Bass

Seb Lion - Jungle

Scott Efes - Liquid DnB / Dub Rock

Be ready to get groovy!
This will be a super fun night, with amazing tunes rarely heard!!

3$ before Midnight
5$ after Midnight
1661 St Catherines E.
Montreal Quebec

3$ before Midnight
5$ after Midnight
Added:Wed May 3, 2017 @ 3:51pm by » Efes
Events Calendar - June 9, 2017
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