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Events Calendar - March 21, 2014
New World [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Mar 21, 2014 @ 9:00pm till Sat Mar 22, 2014 @ 6:00am
Description:We are celebrating the equinox and the return of spring with nine hours of non-stop dancing This event will feature a heart opening kundalini yoga set in the sand and a ceremony to celebrate the return of the sun.

Merkaba (zenon records - Australia)
[ soundcloud.com ]

Kalya Scintilla (Enig'matik Records - Australia)
[ soundcloud.com ]
[ kalyascintilla.bandcamp.com ]

[ soundcloud.com ]

Alien Rainforest
[ soundcloud.com ]

DJ Majikal

DJ Nikoli

Early Bird: $30 (only 100 available)
Online: $35
Door $40

Théâtre Plaza
6505, rue Saint-Hubert, Montreal, Quebec

(Studio Sundari)

3:00 Alien Rainforest
[ soundcloud.com ]

4:00 Soulacybin
[ soundcloud.com ]

5:00 Merkaba
[ soundcloud.com ]

6:00 Jeremy's Aura
[ soundcloud.com ]

(Only 100 available)
Tickets will only be available online and at the main event, NO TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR
Early bird:$10 (first 50 tickets)
Advance: $15
Available online at [ www.nightsofinfinity.com ]

Checkout the complete festival line-up at
[ www.facebook.com ]
Added:Thu Feb 6, 2014 @ 11:31pm by » pencapchew
Events Calendar - March 21, 2014
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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