Events Calendar - May 17, 2013 |
Imaginarium [ Static Link : iCal ] |
City: | Canada, Quebec, Montreal |
Time: | Fri May 17, 2013 @ 10:00pm till Sat May 18, 2013 @ 10:00am |
Promoter: |
Description: | C'est avec un grand honneur que les créateurs de MUTAGENETIX, SPORE & MULTIVERSE, [ ] Sketchy Labs, présentent le majestueux IMAGINARIUM. Mesdames et Messieurs, place au CIRQUE! ------------------------------------------------- It is with great honnor that the creators of MUTAGENETIX, SPORE & MULTIVERSE, [ ] Sketchy Labs, present IMAGINARIUM Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare yourself for the circus! ================================== ================================== -_Chapitre premier_- *English version will follow* Par un mystérieux concours de circonstances, au cœur même des grands bouleversements de la planète, Gayoa fut le premier être muni d’émotions et de raisonnement à faire son apparition. Curieux et persévérant, il entreprit une marche, qui pendant des millions d’années, lui fit traverser toutes les époques, invisible aux yeux de tous. De certains Humains, Gayoa comprit que le partage et la solidarité, le respect et la tolérance pouvaient exister, mais que tous ces Humains étaient aussi prisonniers d’une force maléfique. Au cours de son périple sans fin, il n’avait été témoin que de destruction, de haine, d’égocentrisme, d’hypocrisie. Opiniâtre, Gayoa déambulait toujours en quête d’un Monde où les Humains verraient l’essentiel… Devenu insensible à l’horreur et à l’absurde, presque aveugle, Gayoa avançait à tâtons… Mais sa conscience et sa persévérance l’empêchaient d’abandonner. «Trouve ce Monde !!!», scandait son karma… Filtrant cette litanie, un vent se leva, forçant ses pores satinés, ses yeux nacrés, son nez intuitif et sa bouche inquisitrice à s’ouvrir. Une eau désaltérante se mit à caresser sa peau écorchée par la mesquinerie, à laver ses yeux obscurcis par l’horreur, à débloquer ses oreilles saturées de mots creux. -_Chapitre deuxième_- Et Gayoa vit… Des miroirs refléter leurs deux côtés, des arbres planer sur les flots, des vaches huer les trains et des squelettes jouer à la tag… Et Gayoa sentit… Et Gayôâ sentit un singulier visage, dépourvu de nez, se pencher sur le sien. C’était le premier être vivant qui semblait percevoir son existence. Peut-être était-ce parce que ce bipède ne présentait pas les mêmes caractéristiques physiques que les autres observés au fil de son périple. Tous les vaisseaux du corps de Gayôâ se mirent à dépêcher un message contradictoire à son cerveau. À la fois fasciné et inquiet, il se laissa toutefois guider par son karma. Intéressant… Cet «Humain» était pourvu d’un coffre de pirate en guise de tête. Le couvercle de son curieux crâne était ouvert, laissant voir un contenu fabuleux : d’hétéroclite bipèdes pourvus de nez biscornus, jouant et se métamorphosant au gré de scènes incohérentes et loufoques. Comme Gayôâ les enviait de pouvoir vivre ainsi et changer de personnalités. Une voix à la fois éraillée et mielleuse le sortit alors de sa réflexion : «Je suis, Pyra. Tu sembles aimer les idées qui grouillent dans mon crâne, sublime nez inspirant ?»Cette flatterie intrigua Gayôâ qui flairait l’arnaque. Mais, curieux, il ne put s’empêcher de demander : —Pourquoi n’as-tu pas de nez ? —Haaaa, c’est là tout mon drame ! J’ai beau avoir la tête pleine d’histoires et de jeux, mais le pif n’y est pas. Le tien me fait envie… Que dirais-tu de me le prêter en échange d’une incursion dans mon univers cérébral ?, osa Pyra. «Trouve ce Monde !!!», souffla vivement le karma dans les narines de Goyôâ. Aussitôt, le nez de Goyôâ battit des ailes et vint se déposer sur le visage de l’être. Enfin, Pyra avait du pif. Il aspira Goyôâ qui se sentit emportée par une puissante spirale et déposée dans le coffre où la société ludique des hétéroclites bipèdes l’attendait... -_Chapitre troisième_- Chancelant, Gayôâ se retrouva dans une vaste sphère où s’entrecroisaient avec grâce et précision membres, accessoires et costumes en tout genre : chapeaux, queues de cochon, nez, bouches, queues de sirène, jambes, nombril, dents, bec de lièvre, pantalons, jupes... Tous les bipèdes du cerveau de Pyra semblaient euphoriques, jouant à se déguiser et à se transformer. Véritables chorégraphies, les métamorphoses s’entrecroisaient harmonieusement permettant à tous de vivre leurs fantasmes. Tous ? Non… Un seul d’entre eux semblait confus, incapable d’établir un contact avec ses semblables. Pire, lorsqu’il parvenait à attraper au vol un accessoire ou un membre, ceux-ci filaient, le laissant informe, nu, seul, désemparé… À d’autres moments, ô horreur, ses propres membres s’envolaient d’eux-mêmes, pendant que chapeaux, pieds, dents et bas perdus dans cette farandole s’acharnaient sur lui, en l’abandonnant aussitôt, le laissant ahuri et frustré. Gayôâ observait cet individu informe et malheureux, et éprouva de la compassion. Depuis toujours, il avait lui-même ressenti cet isolement, cherchant en vain à entrer en contact avec les bipèdes. Spontanément, de l’imagination de Gayôâ, sortit alors un prénom, Isolys. «Attends, Isolys, je viens t’aider…», cria-t-il d’une voix nasillarde, vu l’absence de son nez (cf.Péripétie II). S’élançant dans la pantomime, Gayôâ se mit à empoigner tout ce qui virevoltait autour de lui et s’approcha d’Isolys avec son butin. Et ce fut un échange endiablé pendant lequel ils se métamorphosèrent au gré de leur fantaisie, passant d’un personnage à l’autre, donnant vie à toutes les créatures issues de leurs rêves. Leur connivence fut telle qu’ils se mirent à percevoir une lumière diffuse à travers ce qui leur parut être une forêt d’où parvenait un son scandé et aigu. Envoûté, Isolys pris la main de Gayôâ qui, euphorique, se laissa entraîner dans un sentier bordé de pins géants diffusant les couleurs des aurores boréales... (suite dans le prochain chapitre...) ------------------------------------------------- -_First chapter_- A long time ago roughly around the same time as the creation of the universe, the first being blessed with the gifts of emotion and reason came into existence; his name was Gayoa. Being curious and perseverant, he embarked upon a quest which brought him through a plethora of different time dimensions in which he encountered a large variety of beings and societies, including humans. Through an examination of the human race, Gayoa began to understand that generosity, solidarity, respect, and tolerance can all exist, but that most humans were held prisoner by a malicious force. Gayoa mostly came across destruction, hate, ego-centrism, and hypocrisy. However he persevered in hope of finding an altruistic world where humans would understand the essential values of life. The longer he progressed the more numb Gayoa became to the horror and atrocity he was constantly encountering, making him practically blind. However his conscious and perseverance kept him going. He knew that in order to be happy he needed to find this world. His intuition begged him to continue searching for it. One day a strange wind blew into his being. All his senses opened up to this welcoming breeze. A refreshing rain suddenly started pouring, caressing his scorched skin, washing his weathered eyes, and revitalizing his tired ears. And so Gayoa saw... Mirrors which reflect both sides, trees gliding on invisible waves, cows screaming at trains and running skeletons. And so Gayoya felt... -_Second chapter_- And Gayoya felt a lone face, seemingly without a nose, lean on his face. This was the first living creature capable of sensing his presence since the beginning of his voyage. Interestingly this new creature did not have the same physical characteristics as the other two legged creatures observed. Every one of Gayoa's senses were urging him to contradict his logic and flee. He was fascinated and worried, but allowed himself to be guided by karma and decided to stay. Interesting... This “human” with a treasure chest instead of a head. The opening of his curious head was open, making visible incredible content: heterogeneous two legged creatures with crooked noses, playing and morphing in the midst of crazy and incoherent scenes. Gayoa envied their metamorphic existence. Suddenly Gayoa heard a voice, hoarse but at the same time soft, say: “I am Pyra, you seem to like the ideas floating around in my head you inspiring nose?” The flattery intrigued Gayoa but he smelled trickery; however being curious he couldn't help but ask: -Why don't you have a nose? -Haaaa, there lies all my drama. My head is full of wonderful stories and games, but sadly I cannot smell. Your nose makes me envious... What would you think of lending me your nose in exchange for a trip inside my imagination? “Find this world!!!”, urged Gayoa's intuition. Suddenly, Gayoa's nose grew wings and flew onto the face of the being. Finally Pyra was endowed with the sense of smell. He inhaled Gayoa who felt himself taken by a strong whirlwind and dropped into the chest where a society of incomprehensible meta-morphing two legged creatures awaited him... -_Third chapter_- Gayôâ found himself in a vast sphere which was made up of a spectrum of gracefully criss-crossing body-parts, costumes, and accessories: hats, pig tails, noses, mouths, mermaid tails, legs, belly-buttons, pants, skirts, ect… All the creatures in Pyra’s mind seemed euphoric; playing, disguising, and transforming themselves; all of them taking pleasure in their fantasy. Every one of them…? No…one of them seemed confused, it was unable to establish contact with its peers. Even worse was the way in which whenever he managed to capture an accessory or a costume, it would dissolve in his hands, leaving him naked and lonely… Sometimes his own body parts would drift away while hats, teeth, arms and feet would attack him then suddenly abandon him; left alone frustrated. Gayôâ observed this shapeless and unhappy individual and felt compassion. He had always felt this isolation, he was constantly yearning to be able to interact with the creatures of this world or even another. Spontaneously from Gayôâ’s imagination came a name: Isolys. “Wait Isolys, I’ll come help you” he screamed with a narrow nasal voice due to the absence of his nose. Throwing himself into the pantomime that was this game, Gayôâ started to grab everything possible that flew by him and approached Isolys with his treasures. It was a beautiful exchange, a delightful show. They started to metamorphose to the beat of their fantasies, changing from one creature to another, giving life to all the creatures of their dreams. Their collusion was so grand that they started to perceive what seemed to them as a diffused light across some kind of forest from which was emanating a high frequency sound. Bewitched, Isolys took Gayôâ’s hand and they took off on a trail bordered with overwhelming giant pines and sequoias which were diffusing all the colors of the aurora borealis... (to be continued...) ================================== ================================== * L'IMAGINARIUM et ses habitants * <-__-> TALPA LIVE! {Sundance / Serbie} <-__-> ~ [ ] Behind the project Talpa is Goran Juric from Serbia. This project was found back in late 90's, his first releases came out 2002. Talpa released his first album "Art Of Being Non" on the Australian record label SunDance Records in 2004 from which he got great responce from people on dance floors around the globe. After a 4 year break, his second album "When The Somberness Becomes A Game" was relased also on SunDance Records. Talpa's style is mainly fusion of many styles like trance, psychedelic, funky, carnival wraped in his very original and special way which many people find very original.He relased trax on other labels such as: Boom rec, Psionic rec, Suntrip rec, Adapted rec, Fabula rec, Up rec, Timecode rec, TesseracTstudio... Talpa has been a part of many parties and festivals where he performed in many countries around the world such as Belgium, Swiss, Finland, Denmark, Sweeden, Israel, Australia, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia and many other countries. Talpa's 3rd album is just about to be released in November 2011 under the name "The Path" on Sundance records. <-__-> THE RIDDLER LIVE! {Tesserac Studio / Serbie} <-__-> ~ [ ] ~ [ ] After spending many years in a psychedelic world, Goran Juric aka Talpa, decided to change his style a bit in a different way. In 2009 he meets guys from TesseracTstudio and decide to join together sharing the same vision of electronic music. Even with The Riddler being such a young project, he already has many relases on various compilations, few EPs and one album called "Questions" released by TesseracTstudio. Also with many gigs behind him in countries like Russia, Australia, Swiss, Serbia, Finland, Croatia, Denmark etc. <-__-> 1.618 LIVE! {OperationMindFuck Rec. / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] --> Cosmic Orgasm projet solo <-__-> Anima Tag Ygriega DJ SET! {Oui-R1 - Sourcecode Records / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] ~ [ ] ~ [ ] <-__-> Dr. Strangefunk LIVE! {Zenon & GlitchyTonic / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] <-__-> LeHobbit Tag E.T. DJ SET! {SketchyLabs / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] ~ [ ] <-__-> Lynxpoint LIVE! {Ghotiitout / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] <-__-> M0xy DJ SET! {SketchyLabs / MTL} <-__-> <-__-> Spacey Koala LIVE! {Logic Vision Rec. / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] ~ [ ] <-__-> Zentrix LIVE! {Zenon & Digital Garden / MTL} <-__-> ~ [ ] ======================================= - Performances farfelues par Dandelion - DECO fantaisiste par Dandelion - Peinture performance par Karine Allard - Système de son épique RCF line-aray, 10 000 watts - Des bulles, des boules et des bonbons - Plein d'amusements pour votre plaisir enfantin Bienvenue à tous et à toutes à l'Imaginarium, votre cirque psychédélique. ======================================= Billets disponibles à partir du mois de mars! Tickets available as of March! - Mars : 20$ - Avril : 25$ - Mai : 30$ - Portes : ??? * Disponibles au Psychonaut [ ] 154 Prince-Arthur East Montreal, Qc * Aussi disponibles au Chanvre du Nord [ ] 38 de martigny est St-Jerome, QC Contactez un de vos chers amis organisateurs si vous habitez à l'extérieur de Montréal. Pour tout autres questions contactez-nous à 514-607-5577 * Histoire: Hélène Sarrazin ------------------------------------------------- Contact one of your fellow mates for tickets if you live outside of Montreal. For all other inquiries, contact us at 514-607-5577 [ ] |
Music: | Room 1: Benny the Hobbit (Canada, Quebec, Gaspe)Wizard of Odds (E.T.) - - Sketchy Labs / Mechanimals |
Added: | Tue Dec 11, 2012 @ 11:50am by » ET-extraterestre |
Modified: | Thu Apr 18, 2013 @ 1:02am by » ET-extraterestre |
Views: | 7131 |
Events Calendar - May 17, 2013 | [ Top Of Page ] |
23 People Attending [ Hide User Images ] |
Member Comments |
» HighdroXy said @ Tue May 14, 2013 @ 2:38pm Talp A hahahaha ! |
» Lanie said @ Thu Mar 14, 2013 @ 10:11am Yéééééé!!! The Riddler pour ma fête!!! Et plein de bons locaux pour nous faire groover toute la nuit!!! ^_^ J'ai particulièrement hâte d'entendre Lynxpoint!! |
» BoUnTee said @ Mon Jan 7, 2013 @ 9:23pm Tellement hate!!! |