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Events Calendar - September 29, 2012
Mica Lounge | Badmoon Sessions W, Nightowl, Joshe Gutierrez, George V Peretz, Er [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Sep 29, 2012 @ 10:00pm
Description:Voici le temps de décontracter avec une longue collection de musique exclusive, des compositions et des sons expérimentaux des Erik G / George VP et Joshua Gutierrez en compagnie des mixes magique de NightOwl . Surveillez l'événement pour plus d"information a venir.

Hey ! is time now to chill out with a vast collection of ''Exclusive" songs, Bootlegs tracks and original material from Erik G / George VP and Joshua Gutierrez Adding to this the magic technics of NightOwl .. Keep checking back for more information .

La musique / Musique by

George V Peretz ( Evoca Digital )
[ www.mixcloud.com ]

NightOwl ( NightOwl Whispers )
[ soundcloud.com ]

Erik G (Metro House Records)
[ soundcloud.com ]

Joshe Gutierrez (Metro House Records)
[ soundcloud.com ]
Tickets:0.00 - Free
Extras:BAR SPECIALS ****
$5 mixed drinks
$4 shots
$100 for 26oz absolute vodka reservation only
$80 for 26oz Grey Goose .

** Entrance : Free ***
Added:Wed Sep 26, 2012 @ 8:19pm by » qlgroup
Events Calendar - September 29, 2012
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