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Events Calendar - September 27, 2012
Logic Vision Presents, Cosmos Ritual: Kabayun Strikes Back [Looney Moon Records [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Sep 27, 2012 @ 10:00pm till Fri Sep 28, 2012 @ 4:00am
Location:COSMOS loft, 6512 Avenue Du Parc, Montreal, Qc (metro beaubien, 300 capacity)
Description:Logic Vision prods sont fiers de vous offrir cette nouvelle série d’évènements. Nous accueillerons des artistes de renommée internationale mais aussi la crème de la crème de nos héros locaux

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S01Ep09: Kabayun strikes Back !

Pour ce 9ème épisode nous avons le plaisir de recevoir un magicien du Groove, venu directement de Princetown, USA. La soirée se déroulera en 2 parties, d'Abord au COSMOS loft jusqu'à 3:30am, ensuite nous nous dirigerons vers un second loft pour un After party dans les règles de l'art.

International Guest:

KABAYUN (Looney Moon Records - USA) ::: live+djset!

[ soundcloud.com ]

Kabayun is the project of David Mostoller, who is a also a member of Unwashed Tomato with Andy Aylward. Kabayun's music intends to create an environment that stimulates the listener to release themselves from the trials of everyday life and confront their challenges through the trance dance experience. Channeling the spirit of the west, Kabayun pulls together many elements to create an intensely psychedelic experience that lifts the body and the mind to undiscovered plateaus...

+ Special Guests:

BENNY LE HOBBIT (Logic Vision recs, Gaspe)
JESSEJAMES (Pixan recs - Montreal)

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Timetables: Cosmos loft (6512 Avenue Du Parc)

22h ::::::::: Wave Parasites (Progressive Trance)
23h30 ::::::::: JESSEJAMES (Troglodyte Psytrance)
00h30 - 03h30 ::::::::: KABAYUN (Night Psy Full Power)

After Party: adress TBA 24

Deco Fluodelic and laser show by Jo Landrix

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Massive Soundsystem
Warning, No Glass or Bottle of Alcohol is permitted inside
No Smoking Inside, we provide a space for that backdoor
Super friendly security


TRANCEFARE: 10$ (@ Door)


Come to contribute not to consume.
♥ Be respectful and bring your best smile ♥
Added:Sat Sep 1, 2012 @ 8:45am by » OtKun
Modified:Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 6:30pm by » OtKun
Events Calendar - September 27, 2012
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