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Events Calendar - January 12, 2013
Black Magik V [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jan 12, 2013 @ 10:00pm till Sun Jan 13, 2013 @ 8:00am
Location:Kim Foo
Description:The winter's hottest party is back! The fifth and final edition of Black Magik is right around the corner, so come enjoy Montreal's unique psychedelic culture with us one more time.

The Black Magik series has brought Montreal's underground electronic music scene 4 years of mind bending psychedelic experiences. It is one of a kind, an exhilarating night of visual and aural art from out of this world.
Le party le plus chaud de l'hiver est de retour! La cinquième et dernière édition de Black Magik arrive à grands pas, alors venez savourer la culture psychédélique unique de Montréal une fois de plus.

Les événements Black Magik ont apporté au underground de la musique électronique de Montréal 4 années d'expériences psychédéliques délirantes. C'est une expérience unique, une nuit exaltante d'art visuel et auditif d'un autre monde.

-Tripped out psychedelic backdrops
-Impressive light effects
-Massive sound system
-Big clean and safe venue
-Old school vibe
-Friendly security
-Drink bar (Energy Drinks, Water and Fruit)
-Coat check at $1.50

Incluant :
- Toiles de fond buzzantes
- Effets lumineux saisissants
- Système de son massif
- Grande salle propre et sécuritaire
- Ambiance old school
- Sécurité amicale
- Bar à boissons (Boissons énergisantes, Eau et Fruit)
- Vestiaire à $1.50

Line Up/Horaires
22:00 - Zentrix - [ ]
23:30 - HighdroXy - [ ]
01:00 - Psydraulix - [ ]
02:45 - Hexa 5 - [ ]
04:30 - Psycronik - [ ]
06:00 - Anima & Nt Shanti - [ ]

Admission: 25$ At the door

Black Magik 5 will take place at Kim Foo, 990 Saint Antoine Ouest, right next to Bonaventure metro. This all ages event will be held in a big, clean and fully legal venue, which means that there is a rather strict "No drugs or alcohol" policy. Smokers will be asked to smoke outside and no one can be caught bringing alcohol into the party.
The entrance to the event will be in back of the building, through the parking lot.
Cette année, Black Magik aura lieu à Kim Foo, 990 Saint Antoine Ouest, près du métro Bonaventure. Comme il s'agit d'un événement pour tous âges, nous sommes tenus de ne pas accepter d'alcool a l'intérieur. L'entrée est en arrière de l'édifice, dans le stationnement.

Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. <------------- !!!!!!!

No Bottles, No weapons, No Markers
Room 1:
22:00 Zentrix - - Digital Garden
23:30 HighdroXy Aka- K-Dzo - - IMMERSION PROD.
01:00 Psydraulix - - Creature Productions
02:45 Hexa-5 (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - - Prism Code / Timecode
04:30 Psycronik (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - Freak Addiction Krew\Tundra Recs
06:00 AnimA - - Oui-R1, FilthyCrew
Extras:Facebook Page: [ ]
Official Info Site: [ ]
Added:Sun Aug 26, 2012 @ 7:44pm by » AlienZeD
Modified:Fri Jan 11, 2013 @ 8:57pm by » AlienZeD
Events Calendar - January 12, 2013
33 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » KORHAL (223), » vVielo (23), » AlienZeD (9)
Member Comments
» M-A-X said @ Mon Jan 14, 2013 @ 10:29pm
ah shit j'ai manqué ça!
» AlienZeD said @ Wed Jan 9, 2013 @ 8:21pm
this is the last time we're announcing our final party! ;) seriously though, Creature's last SOLO event was Psychedelica in 2011, there was no 2012 version. I never said I wouldn't collaborate with others though... regardless, this is the last Black Magik, mark my words.
» pencapchew said @ Wed Jan 9, 2013 @ 2:12pm
lol, every year you announce your "final" party
» Akibel said @ Wed Oct 3, 2012 @ 9:13am
yeah !!! The Empire is back ;p