Events Calendar - April 20, 2012 |
Pre5ent M1nded (Opening Night) *overtone* [ Static Link : iCal ] |
City: | Canada, Quebec, Montreal |
Time: | Fri Apr 20, 2012 @ 10:00pm till Sat Apr 21, 2012 @ 3:00am |
Description: | Pre5enT/-*ॐ*-\M1ndeD Presents... OVERTONE (Opening Night AFTER PARTY < 4:20 >) For this Grand Opening, Pre5enT M1ndeD shall welcome you to the Next DIMENSION. / Pour cette soirée d'ouverture, Pre5enT M1ndeD vous offre la chance d'accéder à la prochaine DIMENSION.. Venez faire un tour pour voir!! :P À Bientôt!! ;) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------ॐ Voilà une explication plutôt briève entourant le concept des Overtones, plus communément appelé des PARTIELS. De façon générale, il est préférable de réserver le terme « harmonique » aux sons musicaux strictement périodiques et infinis, dont les composantes spectrales sont des multiples entiers de la fréquence fondamentale. Dans tous les autres cas, où les « fréquences harmoniques » du son ne sont plus des multiples entiers de la fréquence la plus basse, il serait illogique d'appeler ces fréquences supérieures « harmoniques inharmoniques » ; c'est pourquoi on parle alors uniquement de partiels. le son, synthétisé à partir de la superposition des harmoniques calculés, possède un timbre qui donne toute l'aspect, ou plutot, la couleur ainsi que la saveur, si je peux me permettre :P au son, dont il est question. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------ॐ Here's a brief explanation of the concept surrounding OVERTONES. An overtone is any frequency higher than the fundamental frequency of a sound. The fundamental and the overtones together are called partials. Harmonics are partials whose frequencies are whole number multiples of the fundamental. These overlapping terms are variously used when discussing the acoustic behavior of musical instruments. In simple cases, such as for most musical instruments, the frequencies of these tones are the same as, or close to, the harmonics. So when a note is played, this gives the sensation of hearing other frequencies (overtones) above the lowest frequency (the fundamental). That is to say, the relative volumes of these overtones to each other determines the specific "FLAVOR" or "COLOR" of sound. The intensity of each of overtones is rarely constant for the duration of a note. Over time, different overtones may decay at different rates, causing the relative intensity of each overtone to rise or fall independent of the overall volume of the sound. A carefully trained ear can hear these changes even in a single note. This is why the timbre of a note may be perceived differently when played staccato or legato. After 4:20 at the Mountain.. Check it OuT!! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------ॐ > LINE UP < 9H - 10H : Ot Kun ........................................... (Dub / Chillout) 10H - 11H : Wave Parazites ............................... (Prog) 11H - 12H : Sun Hunter .................................... (Prog / Psytrance) 12H - 1H30 : Horizon Vs Akibel ............................ (Psytrance) 1H30 - 3H : Alien-A Vs PsydrauliX Vs D.BraiN ............ (Psytrance / Twilight) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And NOW, here are the EXTRAS for the Night... Et Voici MAINTENANT les EXTRAS en ce qui concerne cette PREMIÈRE!! + LIGHT EFFECTS + Stretch FABRIC DOME + Talented LOCAL LINE UP + About 20 000 Watts of SOUND + HYPERDIMENSIONAL VIZUALS (Presented by ANARKID) PRICE / PRIX : 10$ at the DOOR / 10$ à la PORTE <------> (CAPACITÉ de 300 PERSONNES) Facebook Link: [ ] |
Music: | Room 1: Akibel - www.facebook.comAlien-A - - Pre5enT/-*ॐ*-\M1ndeD/H.T/Vision OtKun ::: Zenon Records | Enig'Matik recs | Logic Vision Collective - Psydraulix - - Creature Productions Wave Parasites - Hardtimes |
Added: | Sat Mar 10, 2012 @ 5:08pm by » AlieN-A |
Modified: | Wed Mar 28, 2012 @ 4:42pm by » AlieN-A |
Views: | 5297 |
Events Calendar - April 20, 2012 | [ Top Of Page ] |
22 People Attending [ Hide User Images ] |
Member Comments |
» Psyko-Kandy said @ Sat Apr 21, 2012 @ 3:19pm Merci a tout le monde qui etais au party hier soir la music etais tellement bonne jme sentais tellement bien avec vous toutes ! !! |
» Psyko-Kandy said @ Thu Apr 19, 2012 @ 6:50pm Omg its tomorow !!! I can't wait !!! I still fell like its my first rave !!! Mais est-ce qu'il y a un after party ??? |
» zoots said @ Thu Apr 12, 2012 @ 12:25am y'a til un after? |
» Bend-Aid said @ Sat Mar 31, 2012 @ 9:22pm Yees,on the road again! |
» OtKun said @ Mon Mar 12, 2012 @ 8:26pm Full Support ! <3 |