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Events Calendar - March 30, 2012
"It Don't Mean A Thing" An Electro Swingers' Ball! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Mar 30, 2012 @ 9:00pm
Description:A journey through an enchanting night of music, performance, magic, and dance! Downtown Toronto's legendary El Mocambo will be transformed into a vintage and gypsy fusion of tarot readers, magicians, performers, decoration, and more... for a night of electro swing and gypsy beats!

The genre has exploded into massive shows and parties in Europe and it is starting to take off on this side of the ocean as well. Come be part of one of the most fun genres to ever be created. You can't help but smile when that swing starts swingin'!
Extras:The always amazing MEDICINEMAN has been making a name for himself in the electro swing genre both in Canada and overseas in Europe. A veteran to Harvest festival and beautiful past parties all over Toronto, he will be playing you his eclectic mix of electro swing from around the globe for an amazing 90 minute set of some of the most fun to ever tickle your eardrums!
THE INDIGO CHILDREN are one of the most creative and submersive experiences that Toronto has to offer. A mysterious and heavy gypsy feel with a beautiful gypsy dancer and a live violinist. Let them take you on a trip while you groove to some brilliant and original gypsy-step.
ROLLIN' CASH will be closing the night for you all as he turns up the bass for a set of glitch hop among other tunes to make you dance your ass off you can finish hard and wet. A master of turntabilism, Rollin' will be breaking out some killer funky tracks with the volume turned up to full. If you haven't seen Rollin spin yet, you've been going to the wrong parties.
Buffalo's ROLLS ROYCE is a hardworking electro DJ who has been making a name for himself in Toronto and has branched out to master spinning a variety of genres. He recently spun an electro swing set at "We Love You" and he brought the house down. Anything from Caravan Palace to Gramophonedzie, Parov Stelar to Tape Five, and more.... Royce takes you for a swing, but keeps the emphasis on electro.
AMANDA RAYGUN will be kicking the night off right with her own mix of classic and new swingers to get you moving and get you stoked on an amazing night ahead of you. Be sure to come for all the DJ's, its rare you get this wide a variety of swing!

[ i131.photobucket.com ]
Added:Sun Feb 5, 2012 @ 3:45pm by » jaytripper
Events Calendar - March 30, 2012
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» jaytripper said @ Sun Feb 5, 2012 @ 4:03pm
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