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Events Calendar - September 27, 2011
Deep Jam Tuesdays Accoustik [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Tue Sep 27, 2011 @ 8:00pm till Wed Sep 28, 2011 @ 3:00am
Description:DEEP JAM TUESDAYS Tous les mardis 8Pm -03Am Deep Jam Electro Accoustik.. Scratch itinerants.. Musiciens Passionnés.. Autour d un Jam rythmé Electronik aux coule...urs des musiques du monde ... Lorsque l Electronik rencontre l Accoustik ..DEEPJAM TUESDAYS ENTREE GRATUITE Bring your Flow and your Instrument Saphir club 3699 St Laurent, Montreal
Electronik & Accoustik
08Pm -03Am

OPEN DEEP JAM It's local acoustic and electronic musicians who enjoy jamming , From various Horizons to give Diversity Originality and Creativity....
Each musician rotates through 3-5 song sets approximativly ..We will see..

Sometimes jamming with each other or playing solo.....Turntablism to Keep the style ...and Djing to go from beats to another..

DEEP JAM start with a couple of Musicians so Bring your Flow Vibes and your Instrument..

For the First Night :Artist whos already reply ..

Voices: Karo-Lynne - King Kali and you (if you feel )
Drum : Plecko - Pascal L- Andy Snowfish -and You
Bass: Alex - Mikael- and You ...
Guitard: Manuel- James - and You ;)
Harmonica violin: Francis Lockout ...

don t Be shy Join Us

Musiciens Passionnés.. Autour d un Jam rythmé Electronik et Accoustik ..
Lorsque l Electronik rencontre l Accoustik ..
Added:Tue Sep 20, 2011 @ 11:46am by » Alys
Events Calendar - September 27, 2011
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