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Events Calendar - September 10, 2004
Chris Dyer's Metaphysical Boarding [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Sep 10, 2004 @ 8:00am
Promoter:Positive Creations
Location:Zekes Gallery (3955 st. laurent)
Description:This Coming September 10th, starting at 8pm, come and enjoy the Art Vernissage (opening party) of one of Montreal's trippyest paintors, Chris Dyer. In this ocation, Chris has hand produced a large amount (over 65) of broken skateboards with different subjects and styles. If you want to get a taste, please visit [ www.positivecreations.ca ] .

Room 1:
El Flyer
Info:Even if you already have a dope party to go later that night, it would be a good start to just stop by, check out the art, lisen to music, drink beer, meet nice peeps, etc.
Extras:This Art exibit is totally FREE for all humanity to enjoy!
Added:Fri Aug 27, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Chris_Dyer
Events Calendar - September 10, 2004
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Member Comments
» somekid said @ Thu Sep 9, 2004 @ 11:50am
I will check this out while it's on but can't make the opening night due to crazzy ness up the street or maybe I can do both... hmm..
» OliilO said @ Wed Sep 8, 2004 @ 4:29pm
Hey Chris, It's Oli, we met in the Purple bus... What a shame you changed the date. I have invited people from Ottawa at home that night. We will go to the chill after... Is this one night exposition only?