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Events Calendar - July 28, 2011
Funny Moon Festival 2011- Czech Republic [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Czech Republic, Jihocesky Kraj
Time:Thu Jul 28, 2011 @ 9:00pm
Description:Live Alternate Reality ( UK ) [alternatereality.eu]
Braindrop ( Omveda Records / Occulta Records - India )
Kajola ( Zero Gravity - Austria )
Parandroid ( Cosmixed Society - Germany )
Pagat ( Noize Conspiracy / Zero Gravity Barcelona - IBK / Austria )
Soth ( 2 to 6 rec/K.N.E.C.H.T. - Austria )
Crazyfraggle ( Profusion Rec-United Fraggles - Austria )
-Z- ( Alpha & Antagon / Interzone.pa - Germany )
DJs All Cosmixed Society Members:

Absolut ( 2 to 6 rec / C.S. - Swe )
DreamDoctor (Cosmixed Society / Srb-A )
Endogen ( Cosmixed Society / Srb-A )
Expanding Consciousness ( Oui R 1 / cosmixed society- ARG )
GoAndi ( C.S/Next Time Productions - A )
GoaGnom ( C.S./Pirat Tribe - F )
Horizon ( Cosmixed Society - USA )
Psyconjurer ( C.S/ Fairy Tails,Seeds Of Love - A )
Djane Sureal ( Cosmixed Society - A )
Nena Neno ( Cosmixed Society - A )

Alpha ( Interzone.pa - Germany )
Braindrop ( Omveda Records / Occulta Records - India )
Caban ( LebeLiebeLache - A )
Cooper ( Cosmic plasma / Psynergic tribe - RO )
Dsompa ( Peak Records - Germany )
Glish & Gry ( Caracol Team - HU )
Goard ( ProfusionRecords - A )
Merry:) ( Mind expansion / Mindfunk music - Germany )
Nairam Naoi ( Dreamtime - Ro )
Neuronom ( Ayauma Records - Germany )
Djane Nicoletta ( Plusquam records - A )
Pan ( Up records - Uk/Spain ) [pan.dj]
Philoso ( Spontaneous Aerobics - A )
RaOuL ( Waldfrieden / Solar Nomad - Germany )
sGarY ( Mind Funk Records / Hypergate Records - Germany )
Subsunshine ( Psypirates - A )
Szig Sag ( Blitz Studios - IBK / Austria )
Tommes ( Unisono - Austria )
Zippy ( SpaceFriends / Creative Brains - Portugal )

(More coming soon )
Chill Hosted by Cosmixed Society's Nena Neno:

Ancient core chill out live act ( Cosmic plasma / Psynergic tribe - RO )

Djane Nicoletta ( Cosmicleaf rec / Altar rec - AUS )

eleMental Sounds ( Samsara Crew - RO )
Deco ( DekoTeams )

Psym3trics ( Switzerland ) [ ]

Organixx ( Austria )

DekoTronix ( C.S - A )

( Live Visuals )

vj baby k [ ] ( UK )

Location We will find one in the beaufitul Czech Republic.
Entry fee TBA (always nice price)
Infos Sound System ( Unisono )

We would like to invite all beings to our little party out here:)!!! Don't be shy and move your spine, reprezent and respect all mammals and other ani-mals, people, aliens, illuminatis, demons, goblins, elves, fraggles and fairies all beautiful manifestations of eternal beings wheather you believe in gods or devils, sun or moons, geometries or metrics.

Shake yourself, realize its all the same story, look within yourself overstand, be free , be yourself, be beautiful, be happy, be smile, love, sing,...enjoy, be feel see hear listen!!!

The sound is the answer take off your shoes and give back respects to your mother dance. Raise your hands and give thanks to the father in the skies realize we R 1.

Same pattern same code same path same aim same destiny. love

Room 1:
ExPaNdinG CoNsCiouSneSs - www.myspace.com - Oui-R1- Spiritual Healing-Cosmix
Added:Mon Jan 10, 2011 @ 6:43pm by » Spiral
Modified:Tue May 31, 2011 @ 7:32pm by » Spiral
Events Calendar - July 28, 2011
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Spiral
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