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Events Calendar - April 21, 2001
No Shame Fetish [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Quebec
Time:Sat Apr 21, 2001 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Cube Afterhours
Description:418 640-3555
[ www.cubequebec.com ]
Room 1:
Bruno B (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Philippe Larochelle (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Alex Axx Koss
Marco G
Info:A special event in the NO SHAME line. Huge FETISH party.
House music everywhere, in a very sensual style mostly.
Everybody is invited to dress fetish style.
Dresscode: Red and black, latex, leather, as much as you dare.
Added:Sat Apr 21, 2001 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - April 21, 2001
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