Events Calendar - January 8, 2011 |
Downlink (Bc), Vaski (Us), Lebelgeelectrod (Be) @ Bouddha Slinky 1st Bday [ Static Link : iCal ] |
City: | Canada, Quebec, Montreal |
Time: | Sat Jan 8, 2011 @ 9:00pm till Sun Jan 9, 2011 @ 3:00am |
Description: | BOUDHHA SLINKY PRODUCTIONS [ ] En collaboration avec ces deux groupes alliés dans la promotion de la culture musicale, ces deux groupes avec qui nous avons concocté certains des plus dangereuses débauches de l'année, dont l'immense PARTY avec Skrillex&Zeds Dead récemment. ...In collaboration with these two groups, allied in promotion of musical culture, these two groups wich whom we gave you some of the filthiest parties of the year, like the huge PARTY with Skrillex&Zeds Dead last month. SAMOURAÏS DES JUNGLES URBAINES [ ] [ ] [ ] PRESENT: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★ BOUDDHA SLINKY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ DOWNLINK BC Rottun Records [ ] [ ] This Canadian from Kelowna in British-Columbia is here for the first time in Montreal. Friends of Datsik and Excision, they decided to makes beat together. Downlink is now a big part of Rottun Records and his Last EP Emergency is everyhwere. His collaboration with Datsik and Excision propulsed him in the Dubstep Big Leagues. Downlink, has a powerful sound with huge drums and heavy basslines. He'll be here in Montreal for the first time, so don't miss him! [ ] [ ] [ ] + ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ VASKI USA Rottun Records. Play Me Too [ ] [ ] This young producer from Minneapolis is ready to blow your mind. His productions are mainly dubstep translating agressives kicks and grimmy melodies. Signed on Rottun Recods and brand new the Play Me Too Records, he'll be in Montreal for the second time, ready to violently destroy (rape) Club Soda. Electro producer at the base, he'll have lots of suprises of us. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] + ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ LE BELGE ELECTROD [ LIVE ] BELGIQUE [ ] [ ] This one has never cross the Atlantic ocean and will be in North America for the first time. Part of the amazing collective Ganja White Night, this belgian produces amazing beats with wicked rythms and crazy construction. His productions are going from dubstep to drum'n'bass to drumstep to whatever it's called. He's arriving here with lots of exclusive stuff and a Live set to blow your body. [ ] [ ] [ ] + ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ w/ BOUDDHA SLINKY ALLSTARS ★VICTOR HACALA vs VNDL★ Bouddha Slinky, Dub Zoo, Bird Brain, SJU, Monkey Dub [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ★CONSTRUCT vs VILIFY★ J'aime le Dubstep, HIigh on Beats, BassDrive, Sub.FM [ ] [ ] ★GNAVE★ [ ] [ ] + ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ VJ EMILE FILTEAU-TESSIER , FELIX TSUZUMI & VJ FRANK D-BLOCK ★★★TICKETS★★★ 000@050 ★★★★★★ 12,50$ (tx incl.)+( frais de serv.) 051@250 ★★★★★★ 18,00$ (tx incl.)+( frais de serv.) 251@750 ★★★★★★ 25,50$ (tx incl.)+( frais de serv.) 751@++ ★★★★★★ 28,50$ (tx incl.)+( frais de serv.) ★ATOM HEART★ (354 rue Sherbrooke E. coin St-Denis) ★OFF THE HOOK★ (1021a Ste-Catherine W) ★CLUB SODA★(1225 St-Laurent) (25,50$ TICKETS ONLY) Next January 8th at Club Soda, we will celebrate one of year of bass and smiles. When we did our first show with Datsik&Excision we didn't except that much. Finally, it went more than great and we are now celebrating our first anniversary with much more in front of us. Thanks to everyone who helped us out; from a missing slip-mat to a ride to the airport. For this event we wanted something big, something enormous, something big enough for the BOUDDHA BASS. For this party we present you three fucking headliners to blow out Club Soda. We'll reveal them one at a time: for more pleasure. !!!!!!THANK YOU ALL BOUDDHA-BASSHEAD!!!!!! Le 8 janvier prochain au Club Soda, nous célébrerons une année de bass et de sourires. Quand nous avons entrepris notre premier show avec Datsik&Excision dans cette vielle usine du quartier Rosemont, nous ne pensions pas que les choses se passeraient ainsi. Finalement, après beaucoup de hauts et quelques bas, nous sommes toujours là, un an plus tard pour vous polluer les oreilles. MERCI À TOUS CEUX QUI NOUS ONT AIDÉS ET ENCOURAGÉS (ceux qui nous ont aidé à faire la porte, ceux qui nous ont fait des lifts, ceux qui nous ont apporté un putain de fil RCA), sans vous on ne serait rien. Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui n'ont pas cru en nous, c'est la meilleure des motivations. MERCI ENCORE. Pour cet événement, on voulait vous gâter, avoir des headliners dignes de la BOUDDHA BASS. Vos oreilles se feront violer par le son de trois headliners! Nous vous les révélerons un à la fois, pour notre petit plaisir malsain. PHOTOS: ROSA LEGAULT (SJU) [ ] GABRIEL DIAZ (MWTB) [ ] 4MTL [ ] DUKE OF SWABIA [ ] FRIENDS AND FAMILY: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ★★★ For tickets in Ottawa: contact Tyler Ethier (613-898-7654) ★★★ 21H00@3H00 LOTS OF BOUDDHA BASS ▄▄▄▄ CLUB SODA 1250 St-Laurent 18+ |
Extras: | Tickets are going fast, hurry up ;) |
Added: | Mon Dec 20, 2010 @ 12:10pm by » Masa |
Views: | 3549 |
Events Calendar - January 8, 2011 | [ Top Of Page ] |
6 People Attending [ Hide User Images ] |
Member Comments |
» xxxxxx said @ Mon Jan 10, 2011 @ 12:15am where are the pictures? |
» Psy-Druid said @ Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 2:20am LE-FUCKIN-BELGE-ELECTROD !!! |
» NoLimitTillDawn said @ Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 12:40am Fuck yeah :) |