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Events Calendar - May 21, 2010
F & F: 7 Deadly Sins With Eva Sins [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri May 21, 2010 @ 10:30pm
Description:This is the 1st of the 7 deadly sins that awaits you! Come with pride; for Vanity is the sin from which all sins arise.
Arise with us sinners on Friday at [ www.barprivateer.com ]
DJ is not other than himself the amazing dj STUBA MF is making us move; F&F its as private as it gets!!
Fashion show begins at 00:00
Followed by Eva Sins performance of VANITY
This evening is all about Vanity.....dress with pride!

Ladies, be prepared to purchase the exclusive sample pieces from the 2011 collection from [ www.keerasama.com ] and X:S!!!
Jewels by the talented Sayehl [ www.trashedcreations.com ] We are also very fortunate that Tadja signature pieces will be presented.
Artistic make up designs by the incredible April Anna [ www.aprilanna.com ] Arrive earlier to avoid disappointment.
The evening doesn't stop with Privateer....we continue to be sinful until the wee hours of the morning at Circus; where our resident DJ Oliver.P spins along side of Scott [ www.facebook.com ]
Ms. Felicia will be hosting; just look for her killer blue eyes! Awaiting your warm blood......

Dress Code : Sexy Kinky GLAM. Lingerie. The sexier the better!
its all about you you you....be good to yourself and deny not your sinful side

Admission à la porte 25$
Reduced 10$ pls txt 514 502 5020 05-21 18:00

Privateer Club

1222 rue Mackay between Ste-Catherine & Rene Levesque

Montreal, QC
Added:Fri May 21, 2010 @ 1:46am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - May 21, 2010
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