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Events Calendar - June 3, 2010
Erb N Dub (Bad Monkey, Uk) @rum & Ass Thursdays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jun 3, 2010 @ 10:00pm till Fri Jun 4, 2010 @ 3:00am
Description:Rum & Ass thursdays in association with Salades Soniques DnB BBQ
presents thursday june 3rd:

Erb N Dub - Bad Monkey Rec, UK - Jungle/Dubstep
[ [ www.myspace.com ] ]
[ [ www.discogs.com ] ]

One of the most exciting prospects currently receiving heightened attentionon the D&B scene is Producer/DJ/Drummer, ErbnDuB also known as 'Drum Addict'. With a natural flare for live performance ‘erb N dub’ provides a DJ show that reflects just that... As a rising name following some key releases, erb N' brings an innovative DJ style armed with the freshest tracks and scratch skills to match. Coming from an original Jazz/D&B drumming background ‘erb N dub’ often goes back to his roots as a Drummer...
erb N dub has played many international dates including - America, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Russia, France and of course all over the UK. His fan base is growing stronger every day. He is starting a world tour currently that will bring him through Canada from june 3rd to the 6th, and dropping in Montreal on june 3rd!

Discog releases:
Gangsta Salute - Alpha Records 8 Bit - Alpha Records Hear Dis - Junction 11 Running Man - Bezerk. What - Finn People. Annihilating Rhythm - Finn People. Attention – Finn People. Stop – Finn People. Benny Hill - DNB Source Pull Up - DNB Sourse Proposition - DNB Source Walk - Industry Standard Pump - Industry Standard Mental Health - Dreadnought Bass - Dreadnought erb N Weapons - Bleak House Records. Jungle Story (Feat Deebo) – Easy Records. New Era - Urban Takeover. Hold On (Foreign Beggars RMX) - Urbanism. Fight - Direct Recordings. Joy Ride - Direct Recordings. Move - Radical Beats. Blud Clott Sound - Radical Beats. Tiger Dub - Back 2 Basics. High From It - Back 2 Basics. Dracula - Back 2 Basics. Nightmare From Amen Street - Back 2 Basics. 90 Seconds - Finn People. My Dog - Finn People. Music 4 The Mindless - Virgin Records.

McNaughty - [ www.rave.ca ] - Toronto
RCola - Jungle Expedition - [ [ junglex.ca ] ] - wikkid rec - Royal Crown, Montreal
Scott Efes - GHD - [ [ Epicacademy.com ] ] - [ [ McEfes.ca ] ] - Rum & Ass Thursdays
RCA - Loves, Lives & Spins DnB -
[ www.rave.ca ]

Terrasse w/BBQ
Cover TBA

Vinyl Lounge
2109 Bleury st.
Added:Mon May 17, 2010 @ 8:48pm by » DaPUZZLER
Events Calendar - June 3, 2010
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Efes
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