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Events Calendar - March 20, 2010
Unicef McGill Presents: Rock For Life! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Mar 20, 2010 @ 8:15pm till Sun Mar 21, 2010 @ 1:15am
Description:Yes. It's back and ever evolving.

UNICEF Rock for Life will be returning on the 20th of March 2010 bringing you all new flavors of that rock n roll we love so much.

We present the melody and sound of KWEKU AND PAM, a duet that will bedazzle and strip you down to your inner hedonist.

EFFUSION, the sirens, the harmonious deliverers of the genre of a cappella will also be performing!

The Argyles will remind you of the 50s, the 60s, the 70s...all times none of you have probably seen but yearn to have been a part of. They'll make it a reality. Time to turn your iPhones off.

Third Rehearsal - Go! bring together elements of jazz, funk, rock n roll with a pinch of lemon zest, punched up with 7 shots of badassery; prepare for the final cut.

And finally, the headline act - First you get the Sugar - this phenomenal act from Montreal will soon release their first album and will blow your minds to whichever kingdom may come.
You can follow First you get the Sugar here: [ www.facebook.com ]

All of these acts will be performing at Trois Minot on the 20th of March so be there!!

Tickets are $8 on presale, available Monday onwards! Make sure you get yours now!!

Contact: unicefmcgill@gmail.com

Osman Siddiqi 514-814-4203
David Ting 514-824-7788
Shuo Peng 514-616-8535
Added:Mon Mar 15, 2010 @ 4:05pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 20, 2010
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