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Events Calendar - March 4, 2010
Insomnia Rocks Tokyo Thursdays! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Mar 4, 2010 @ 10:00pm till Fri Mar 5, 2010 @ 3:00am
Description:INSOMNIA presents a LOOKOUT event:

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with special guests

THE BACHELOR BOYS - all the way from brooklyn the lads have honed sonic powers from underground new york city transit systems, bodegas, and popular radio and that will massage your earlobes. Come to avoid disappointment and future regret.

In the MAIN ROOM...Bachelor Boy 1 (Malcom) - ask him anything!

In the SIDEROOM...Resident, Pitchfork Favourite, and future celebrity: CFCF [ myspace.com ] + Bachelor Boy 2 (Charlie) - hendricks please!

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ALWAYS the best crowd, the best tunes and the best reason to sleep in on friday, since day one.

heated patio, drink specials + FREE BEFORE 11:30

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Just send us a message with your name + however many guests to guarantee FREE ENTRY before 11.30pm!!!!

Oh, and get there before the line!

See you on the dancefloor!

Live Sexy, Love Insomnia

Added:Sat Mar 6, 2010 @ 7:15pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 4, 2010
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