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Events Calendar - July 22, 2004
The Next Level [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jul 22, 2004 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Corey's rabbit
Description:Weekly night of Drum & Bass, 2-Step, lying on the floor, partial nudity, shaking hands, drinking WAY too much, shaking asses, and Carolineisthebestbartenderever.

This week's guest: JD Dyslexic
Some of you may remember Dyslexic making people go crazy at Blue Dog not too long ago...but since then he's gone into hiding. Taking refuge in a small cave just north of the Orange Julep near the Decarie Expressway, Dyslexic has been honing his skills in secrecy. After making the trek over to his cave, I requested a rare public appearance. He yelled at me...for a while....then he said yes! Woot!

This weeks EXTRA special guest: The Evolve Banner!
The Next Level crew is proud to announce the triumphant return of the prestigious Evolve Banner. Like the pheonix it will now rise again, but not covered in flames....more like covered in tears of joy, cuz we're so happy it's back!
Extras:5$ @ The Door
Added:Fri Jul 16, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Corey_K
Events Calendar - July 22, 2004
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