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Events Calendar - February 7, 2010
Dj Craigmitchell [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:USA, Massachusetts, Boston
Time:Sun Feb 7, 2010 @ 7:00pm
Rise, 306 Stuart
Description:Celebrating 20 years behind this decks, a new release with Alan T, "I Smell A**", a recent #1 single on [ www.Masterbeat.com ] (Check my Slanted Black Dub of Dennis Ciallela & John Feelgood feat. Andrea Carnell "Don't Stop Movin'" which is holding strong at #4), a new booking agent [ www.mecha-entertainment.com ] and MUCH more, I get to return to Rise for one of my favorite nights of the month.

Last month was off the hook...nothing but dial tone and if the stars align in just the right way, it should be another one of those magical nights.

To all of you who have seen me at Rise over the years and/or will be there this Saturday night, I say THANK YOU!


Rise is a members only afterhours.
To be a GUEST of Rise, please send me a facebook message with RISE GUEST in the subject line!

Added:Wed Feb 10, 2010 @ 3:23pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - February 7, 2010
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