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Events Calendar - February 6, 2010
Dynasty: B'ugo, Ryan Lazanis, Minimanimal [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 6, 2010 @ 9:00pm
Description:DYNASTY avec vos hôtes Brandon Katz & Steve Priest (bday boy!).

Nous avons décidé d'utiliser le resto chinois à côté du club pour nourrir les monstres du party avec une varieté de mets délicieux, tout au long de la soirée! La soirée donnera FAIM!


DYNASTY hosted by Brandon Katz and Celebrating the Birthday of Steve Priest !

We've decided to make good use of the Chinese restaurant right next door and feed you hungry party-goers with a variety of delicious snacks throughout the night!!! The party will no doubt be bumping.



B'UGO [ www.bugo.dj ]
Ryan Lazanis [ www.soundcloud.com ]

Warm up: Minimanimal (Neue Haus)

10$ cover
11:00 - 3:00
990 St-Antoine O (entrance through parking lot in the back)
Room 1:
Dynasty (USA, California, Los Angeles)
Added:Wed Feb 3, 2010 @ 12:23am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - February 6, 2010
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