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Events Calendar - January 24, 2010
Cold War Nightlife [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 7:00pm
Description:Inspirée par la guerre froide, le constructivisme russe, l'expressionnisme allemand et la pop synthétique, COLD WAR NIGHTLIFE convoque tous les amateurs de musique dansante underground.

▲▲▲▲▲ Music from the Cold War era and beyond
▲▲ Cold-Wave, Minimal Electro-Wave
▲▲▲▲ Post-Punk, Glam Rock
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 7", 12" et 10" en folie
▲▲▲▲▲▲Vielles perles oubliées
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Découvertes

De retour en 2010, votre rendez-vous dominical pour danser ou simplement prendre un verre dans le magnifique décor du Salon Officiel.

Aux platines :

- Zoé et Georges [ ]
- Xavier Paradis (Automelodi)

-entrée gratuite-


Inspired by the Cold War era, Russian constructivism, German expressionism and synthetic pop, COLD WAR NIGHTLIFE is an invitation to all aficionados of underground dance(able) music.

▲▲▲▲▲ Music from the Cold War era and beyond
▲▲ Cold-Wave, Minimal Electro-Wave
▲▲▲▲ Post-Punk, Glam Rock
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 7", 12", 10" galore
▲▲▲▲▲▲Forgotten gems
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Discoveries

Back for 2010, here's your sunday rendez-vous, come again to the luxurious decor of Salon Officiel for another night of frozen dance treats (or just for a few chilly drinks).

With :

- DJs Zoé & Georges [ ]
- Xavier Paradis (Automelodi)

-no cover-


[ www.blackoutmusique.com ]
[ www.automelodi.com ]

Added:Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 1:18am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - January 24, 2010
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