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Events Calendar - December 19, 2009
Kieran Blake [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 7:00pm
Description:Hello to you all,

Yes the news is true. After many years of putting all my heart and energy into various bands, I finally decided to let you all in on a little secret (though some of you may know already) I have been making clandestine recordings of my own for many years and have yet to officially release any of them into the world. So I'm finally going to do it! It's a very scary endeavour to hand your heart and soul over to the general public. No group to hide behind or blend into and much like shedding all your clothes and standing before the world naked for all to see. So as you may now be able to tell these songs are very personal to me. But with my new found sobriety (two months and counting) I have become very inspired of late and want to face my fears and uncertainties and simply put my songs out there. Hopefully they will reach you somehow. Hopefully you'll become friends with them. Hopefully they will in turn inspire you, comfort you and perhaps enrich your life in some way.

I know all this writing may seem like a lot to ingest all at once (in this quick paced modern age), BUT please take the time at some point to read the following artistic statement:


In order to combat the impersonal and mass production trends of the last century, I have come up with the idea to release personalized albums. Each CD will come with unique individualized artwork. Furthermore, if you want to take the extra step to sample the songs over the internet, pick your favourites, and the order they go in, you may also choose to do so, simply contact me for this option. If all that seems like too much work, then I will choose the songs and order for you. It is important however that you "pre-order" or RSVP your personalized copy, because this will be the only way to obtain one, I will only be making them upon request. I put "pre-order" in quotations because you will not need to actually send any money up front. The CDs will be priced on a Pay What You Can/Want basis (however, a minimum $2 donation would be appreciated to cover the costs. The personalized value of the artwork and music itself will be open for you to decide). The CDs will be available for pickup at the album launch on Satrurday, the 19th of December, 2009 @ Cagibi (5490 St. Laurent, corner St. Viateur) beginning at 9pm. I will also be performing a live set and joining me on that night will be the very talented Kieran Blake . So please put aside this date if you can and mark it on your calendar. If for some reason it is impossible for you to make it to the album launch then other arrangements can be made, simply contact me if this is the case. In conclusion, if you want to support my artistic endeavours and the personalized format (which aims to add extra value for you) please contact me for your personalized CD now.

Also don't hesitate to reach out and contact me if you have any questions, comments etc. (either here on the wall or personally through facebook)

[ www.myspace.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]
Added:Mon Dec 7, 2009 @ 3:20pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - December 19, 2009
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