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Events Calendar - December 11, 2009
Temple Of Sound: Back To Blow Your Minds [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
Time:Fri Dec 11, 2009 @ 8:00pm till Sat Dec 12, 2009 @ 5:00am
Location:129 Dagmar (corner of Dagmar and William)
Description:THATS RIGHT, KIDS! We've got Temple of Sound back once again for what we're hoping to turn into the party of the year. Come out and support your favorite SPADEentertainment DJs and many other of our good friends for what will be an AWESOME night full of top-shelf choonage and good friends. Let's try to bring back that old Temple Of Sound atmosphere ONE MORE TIME!

December 11th, 8pm - 5am, $10 cover at the door, 16+ event, R.O.A.R. in full effect.
and yes, there WILL be security. so don't be idiots. thanks. =].

8pm-9pm - Pure Pressure
9pm-10pm - Spam
10pm-11pm - Goldman (SPADEentertainment)
11pm-12am - Ryan Fanatik (Spade Entertainment/Elfin Sound/Nocturnal Radio)
12am-1am - SkaM (SPADEentertainment)
1am-2am - DJ Tastic & MC Koko (SPADEentertainment)
2am-3am - Turtle (Ragnarok)
3am-4am - Scumbag DJs (Ragnarok/Symptom Technologies/Mystique Nightclub)
4am-5am - LoProgression (WinnipegPsy)

Ch Bassline recently placed third in the DJ Comp so is now a resident DJ at Mystique Nightclub for OMFG Wednesdays).
Added:Wed Dec 2, 2009 @ 12:33pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - December 11, 2009
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